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Hey Guys, I wanna COMPETE IN BODYBUILDING IN THE FUTURE (this is not my pre contest diet)currently I am 197 lbs 14% BF and 5'9" and would like you guys to review my diet. My goal is to get as shredded as I can and I am definitely not a noob to all this but have never been absolutely shredded. I am currently on roughly 3,500 calories and maintaining my weight, last week I've been slowly reducing carbs from around 350 grams a day to my goal of the cut which is about 220. I am also cutting out most milk (drinking a liter a day currently) and will be taking a multi vitamin, calcium, glucosamine, omega 3, and vitamin c. Along with glutamine, creatine and BCAA's. Also where it says broccoli and/or steak, these are interchangeable with any type of veggies and source of protein like salmon, turkey etc. is just a sample of 1 day. Thanks for the help guys! I gain fat easily and need the help!


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I would recommend carb cycling if you want to drop some excess fat in a safe, and moderately easy fashion. I am carb cycling right now till thanksgiving, and I am down 11-12 pounds since beginning of September. You can look around for some info, but basically, you cycle a high carb day with low carb days, and this will help you maintain strength, endurance, and your sanity! The body has moderate difficulty adjusting to the carb fluctuations, and this allows you to decrease weight safely.

Your carbs in the outlined program are pretty high if you're trying to cut down, IMO.
I am carb cycling w 3j...on week 4 of 8. Loving the results...have only lost a few/several pounds, but definitely getting a little stronger and a 'little' bulkier. Definitely lowering my bc...quite noticeably. Best part for cardio! Weight training I was assigned isn't bad at all. Been following 3js recommendations to the t and can now c my 6 pack at times. I've been trying 'healthy' diets for almost 2 years now. I suggest having 3j give your diet, & workout a once over. Imo...super efficient and no guesswork/testing on my part. Good luck!
I am carb cycling w 3j...on week 4 of 8. Loving the results...have only lost a few/several pounds, but definitely getting a little stronger and a 'little' bulkier. Definitely lowering my bc...quite noticeably. Best part for cardio! Weight training I was assigned isn't bad at all. Been following 3js recommendations to the t and can now c my 6 pack at times. I've been trying 'healthy' diets for almost 2 years now. I suggest having 3j give your diet, & workout a once over. Imo...super efficient and no guesswork/testing on my part. Good luck!

That's good to see you are getting the results that you want! Even thought I hate cardio, I still do it a few times a week on top of the carb cycling. If your diet is in check, you can get very lean and ripped, but I do the cardio for the conditioning, and maybe to accelerate the body fat decrease a little too.

I am jumping on a few weeks of clen to finish off my cutting because it always seems to give me a little boost the last few weeks.
That's good to see you are getting the results that you want! Even thought I hate cardio, I still do it a few times a week on top of the carb cycling. If your diet is in check, you can get very lean and ripped, but I do the cardio for the conditioning, and maybe to accelerate the body fat decrease a little too.

I am jumping on a few weeks of clen to finish off my cutting because it always seems to give me a little boost the last few weeks.

I hear ya, infectious. I'vs been feeling weird about no cardio..but usually get over it. I get a sweat going and heart rate up a little, but not like I used to. I asked 3j about it when I was assigned my routine and he confirmed what he assigned was all I am to do. This works out great for me. I have a feeling, though, when I'm done cutting/c-cyclin' I'll b back doing cardio. I plan on sticking w a nutritionalist for some time; learn healthy eating habbits for cutting, bulking, and normal diet for life.

I 'think' no cardio because not many carbs for cardio energy in the diet. Weird how our bodies work, which is why I'm better at following educated instruction vs figuring what works best for 'me' on my own.
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I hear ya, infectious. I'vs been feeling weird about no cardio..but usually get over it. I get a sweat going and heart rate up a little, but not like I used to. I asked 3j about it when I was assigned my routine and he confirmed what he assigned was all I am to do. This works out great for me. I have a feeling, though, when I'm done cutting/c-cyclin' I'll b back doing cardio. I plan on sticking w a nutritionalist for some time; learn healthy eating habbits for cutting, bulking, and normal diet for life.

I 'think' no cardio because not many carbs for cardio energy in the diet. Weird how our bodies work, which is why I'm better at following educated instruction vs figuring what works best for 'me' on my own.

The cool thing about working out and nutrition is that we are all a bit different and it's a life process to constantly review and change what we are doing to optimize our goals.
The cool thing about working out and nutrition is that we are all a bit different and it's a life process to constantly review and change what we are doing to optimize our goals.

i completely agree with this statment.. its the reason why i supply a number of weeks coaching with all my diet packages...

WELL SAID!! microcalibration is key!!!
Intermittent fasting. Nuff said

jesus.... intermittent fasting is the jersey shore of dieting philosophies... CRAP

your a bodybuilder right??

the day mr olympia does "intermittent fasting" is the day ill even consider it a philosophy that i would even look into.. lol
i completely agree with this statment.. its the reason why i supply a number of weeks coaching with all my diet packages...

WELL SAID!! microcalibration is key!!!

Thanks, 3J. Means a lot coming from you!

Do you body build yourself, or is most of your time devoted to training others now? BTW, I've been reading your posts for a long time and I've learned a lot from your posts. Much appreciation.
Thanks for the kind words. I actually have reduced my training due to my involvement in jiu jitsu. So o strength train 3 times a week and roll 4 times a week. The rest of my time is dedicated to training my clients