cutting gear

sean john

New member
i have test e from dpharm 300mgs/ml and they list the ingreadients and they use cottonseed oil, this gear just flat out hurts me like a mofo and my friend has no probs , can i just go to the health food store and get some more cottonseed oil and bake it for 20-25 min at 220-250 deg and add 2.5 mls to the 10 ml bottle and then draw 1.25 for my 300mgs , would this dilute it enough ? and would this work ?
why not just save yourself the aggravation, and buy a mixing vial, and seperate sterile sealed vials...figgure out what extra you need for oil to make the concentration to whatever you want, and then brew it up, and put into the new vials...and bake them (dont forget to vent)
? i just want to spend 1.99 and try put 300mgs in more oil instead of having it in such a small amount and make it more confortable . im not ready to start calculating and cooking , im not on that level yet and im just looking to see if what i stated above is possiable and wiil it help.
No you cant. You must filter the oil, then bake if you feel its necessary. Whatever you do, filtering the oil is absolutely necessary. I suggest you do this, itl be the easiest for you and you wont fuck anything up. Go to a research site or kit site that sells sterile oil. Pull your test, then pull some steril oil to fill the syringe.
but wont he be increasing the injection volume drastically if he does what he was going to do... It sounds like he has Test Enan with a really high BA content...And he is sensitive to the BA drawing some sterile oil ontop of the gear would work well...
but might increase the injection volume a bit, so that might cause some pain as well for him..
thanks i'll try the sterile oil on top .25 ml at first and if that dont help i'll bump it to .5 , they used benzyl benzoate and ba so i think this is probably my problem, i dont think i will have problems with the xtra volume . for i only inject delt , quad , glut and i herd delt are good for no more than 2ml and quads and glut were higher , thanks for the help
volume into muscles arent an issue...if ya really want to, u can inject 8CC into the delt....u just have to work up to it and get used to it...
You could (only if u like to fuck around in the kitchen) filter distilled water into your vials and let it sit overnight. The ba wants to be in water more than oil, so it will "migrate" into the water overnight. Then draw the water back off of the test and ull have little to no ba in your brew,
its rediculous to use a lot of solvent in enan. but any way if they used ba and bb thenits prolly 2% ba and 20%bb. it proly aint the solvents that causing the pain. some are more sensitive yo higher mg brews. it may not be all enan. coming from a UG lab it amy have some base or prop in it. dougy had the best idea. dilute it by a third and you be good to go. 2 parts test to 1 part SO.
DougoeFre5h said:
You could (only if u like to fuck around in the kitchen) filter distilled water into your vials and let it sit overnight. The ba wants to be in water more than oil, so it will "migrate" into the water overnight. Then draw the water back off of the test and ull have little to no ba in your brew,

interesting idea. thinkin outside the box.

I agree, just filter and bake some oil, then add it to your gear.