cutting or bulking???


New member
Ok i have lifted on and off for about 3 years and i havnt worked out in about 9 months. I still have some of the muscle left but it is covered by fat. I would say i could loose a good 10-15lbs of fat to be perfectly cut. NOW my question is would it be better to start off bulking ( have herd that its easier to turn fat into muscle then nothing into muscle not sure if thats true) or should i shed the excess fat then start bulking.

For when i do start cutting what is a good supplement to use? ( just to kinda help burn the fat faster not to replace a diet of course)

190 lbs

thanks for any help.
First of all you cannot turn fat into muscle. Whoever told you that is full of crap. THe fat cells you have now will be with you forever. You can shrink them and therefore lower bf%. If I were you I would definitely try to cut up before bulking. I usually won't bulk unless my bf% is below 10. I just don't like the smooth look of being huge but not vasco. ECA stack, in my opinion, is the best cutting supplement besides AAS. Too bad they are outlawing ephedrine.
well what about trimspa and others like it. do they do ANYTHING? or r they just a waste. any other ideas for cutting???
I would also cut first. I used to have the mentality that you need to bulk up a lot before cutting. What I didn't realize was that you shouldn't bulk if you are at 13% or higher. I don't think I will ever go above around 13%bf again.
Yeah I let my bf% go up too much. I was so tired of being small and cut that I decided to bulk and bulk. Starting a short run of the ECA stack tomorrow up until my next cycle (april). Hoping to shed some bf% so I can make some serious gains and not feel fat