cutting without clen and t3, possible?


New member
im looking to cut down to 5% bf, i dont want to use clen/t3 due to its stress on the heart.

do you think a well tuned diet and light cardio(1-3hrs/wk) will do the trick?

im currently 14%, running high tren low prop, according to my calculations its going to take me 10-12weeks to reach my goal just with diet.

is clen/t3 worth the risk? is the risk even high?

i am more so interested in clen, because t3 will burn away at muscle.
I mean Clen helps a lot I'm on Clen and I've burned 5% bf in 6 weeks but Im on ketos diet & do high intensity cardio for short period of time.. & if your afraid of the stress on heart stay low & increase .10 mcgs every 3rd day.. But Clen helps a lot, if you were going to use it I would suggest you use it over t3