

New member
I am gonna be trying to get some body fat gone now and I am have not made any group with working with everything I can do without any aid of supplaments so far and I have pretty much hit a wall coming down from the amount of BF i had. Right now I am at about 21% and I wanna drop down to 12-15 and i will be more than happy.

If it comes down to it I will go under the knife to do it but I wanna try something supplament-wise to help get myself down to there

Any suggestions?
Who is Mike Jones? said:
Diet and cardio. There is no magic pill that will do it for you

size/strength/cuts etc.. are not found in a pill be it legal or Illegal
while supplements play a role in achieveing your goals they are really only a small part of the process..

quite honestly most supplements are pure garbage and only seek to drain ur wallet because everyone dreams of the ideal physique...

i would look more at your eating habits and your training before looking for a magic pill
make sure youre getting in around 12-13 calories per pound of bodyweight, doing plenty of carido, and working with weights...just in case you arent already doing these things. diet and cardio are the two biggest factors with weight loss (or gain).

you cant go wrong with an EC stack (ephedrine + caffeine), or a product like thermorexin, lipo6.
diet and cardio helped me drop majority of what i wanted to lose but right now it sucks bc i have hit a spot where i cannot get any lower despite how much cardio i do and the diet i have is pretty clean

i kno there is no miracle pill to take for anything like this.......just something to do help anything is what i was asking about...
xbobx said:
diet and cardio helped me drop majority of what i wanted to lose but right now it sucks bc i have hit a spot where i cannot get any lower despite how much cardio i do and the diet i have is pretty clean

i kno there is no miracle pill to take for anything like this.......just something to do help anything is what i was asking about...

Time for a change. We sometimes are a creature of habit and it may serve you best to change the "style" of cardio your doing and post your diet so someone can rip it to shreds and start you over.