Cyce Check


New member
Whats up guys, I've been off cycle for over a year now and Im itching to start up again. Thought I'd post up the cycle I'm planning, see what you guys think

Dbol 30mg wks 1-4
Sus 500 wks 1-15
Deca 250 wks 1-10
Clomd 50 wks 18-20

BF ~12% not positive though
you need Aromatase inhibitor (AI) meds, id bump deca to 300 for minimal athletic enhancement and run it 12 to 14 weeks, sus for 2 weeks more than Deca
Bhrees is right. That deca dose is too low and you need to run it at least 12 weeks. I would shoot at least 300mg per week of deca, probably 400mg. I would also run your clomid longer than 3 weeks. I would do 50mg per day for 5 weeks. Like was mentioned, grab an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and also try to scoop you some Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) as well.
I didn't count the weeks right lol I was intending on doing Clomid for 4 weeks, either 50mg the whole way or else 100mg for the first week or 2. I also thought that deca might be a bit low but wanted another opinion but I've also read quite a few people think deca is unnecessary with the dbol. I dont particularly have susceptibility to gyno but I suppose some nolva or arimadex would keep me safe?
I didn't count the weeks right lol I was intending on doing Clomid for 4 weeks, either 50mg the whole way or else 100mg for the first week or 2. I also thought that deca might be a bit low but wanted another opinion but I've also read quite a few people think deca is unnecessary with the dbol. I dont particularly have susceptibility to gyno but I suppose some nolva or arimadex would keep me safe?

Stick with Arimidex and do it .25mg EOD as a starting point. Don't run Nolva during your cycle. Raise the adex if you feel increased estrogen. I would also get on some Caber and run that at .5mg twice per week to help with any prolactin sides, etc. Plus caber rocks and I like the sex drive I get from it.
Arimidex at .25 EOD? How might I literally go about taking only .25? The 1mg tabs are pretty small (I assume). Plus, I thought adex was supposed to be run at .5mg-1mg ED (this is also suggested by my source, who is very reputable here on ology).
Arimidex at .25 EOD? How might I literally go about taking only .25? The 1mg tabs are pretty small (I assume). Plus, I thought adex was supposed to be run at .5mg-1mg ED (this is also suggested by my source, who is very reputable here on ology).

You would probably need to get some liquid adex for that reason from one of the sponsors. Easier to dose. I will say that .5mg-1mg ED is a lot of arimidex. I see that crashing your estrogen rather quickly, unless of course you are one of those estrogen sensitive guys. I am personally, and when I cycle, I do 1mg EOD and that keeps my estrogen really low so I can assure you 1mg ED will tank out your estrogen unless you are a rare rare case.
while on the Dbol you will want the .5, once thats dropped you will have to assess is its too high, by either dry joints or a blood test, id do blood work a week after stopping the dbol, after week 5
Hmmm, decisions, decisions.. If I were to do .5 on dbol, do I need it the rest of the cycle?? As in, with my sus/deca? I wouldn't think that I do. I'm also gonna bump the deca to 350, per everyones suggestion, so I'll be at 500sus/350deca a week, 15wks Sus and about 12wks deca.
Bump! So im gona tweak this cycle a bit:

500/wk sus 15wks
350/wk deca ~12wks
30/day dbol 4wks
.5/eod adex 12wks (need to stop any prolactin from the deca but cant get prami or caber)
50/day clomid 18-21wks