ok glute shot today... already got a lump in both quads and now one in the right ass cheek... legs is gonna be an awful workout! tonight was shoulders had a pretty good one.
shoulder db press: 50x15, 60x6, 75x10, 85x5, 85x5, 60x12
snatch cleans-135x9, 135x8, 135x8...could go heavier but just afraid of injury... plus my neck is gettin way bigger than my delts because of these fuckers!
ss medial shoulder flies with front shoulder flies supinated grip... 25x12, 25x12, 25x12
bent over flies- 15x15, 15x15, 15x12
rear delt on fly machine- 130x10, 130x10, 130x4-drop set-100x5
that was it....
meal 1- 5 egg whites, 2 yolks, oatmeal
meal 2- turkey sanwhich on wheat bread with slice of cheese and mustard/ff ranch
meal 3- chicken breast and brown rice
meal 4- myoplex (pre workout) and storm creatine
meal 5- burger from nations on wheat bread (I know had another fuckin cheat meal... cheating alot more than ever)
meal 6- brown rice and chicken breast
havent checked wt today yet.