Cycle advice tritren test anivar


New member
Hi just looking for some advice really.
Just wanted to know peoples thoughts on cycle im running.

Wks 1-10
1ml tritren 150 eod
1ml testprop 100 every 3rd day
50mg anivar daily

Wks 2-10
1000 iu every week

Wk 12 100mg clomid 20mg nolva ed
Wk13/14 50mg clomid 20mg nolva ed
Wk15 20mg nolva ed

Basically i wanted to know when to stop running hcg and should i go to 75mg anivar.

My diet is basically just shit loads of protein low carbs.
45 min weights 20 min cardio daily.

Basically im not in bad shape apart from a bit of a gut (working on it).

Anyother advice much appreciated
Stats and why test "P" at E3D instead of EOD. OR since you are doing Tren -tri then do Test "E" at low dose and let it run your base. Also it doesn't sound like to train hard enough to utilize Tren. Hell it takes me 45 min on just chest, but that's me, so how many B parts to you train at only 45 min