cycle advice


New member
hey guys, new to the forum and just wonderin if can get any help or info to my cycle..

my stats are
age; 24
height; 172cm
weight; 88kgs
bf; 10-11%
routine: splits, mon:chest, tues:back/mid-lowerback, wed:off, thurs:shoulders/upperback, fri:arms, sat or sun:legs

ive cycled before and haven't in 2 and half years or so and wanna get back on now.

at the moment i have,
30x1ml pre loaded proper pharmacy grade primoteston (test enanthate), not the underground pharmacy stuff.
100x10mg diamond pharmacy dbol

this is what im thinking towards also getting
200x10mg anavar diamond pharmacy. -if i decide to get it based on what i hear here.
100mg per 1ml tren, think its tren ace, coming from thailand if i also decide to get it based on what i hear here.

for pct,
i cant get pregnyl but can get ovidril (heard its better) chlomid, tamoxifen, arimdex, - thats all the proper pharmacy grade.

so what i was thinking..
week 1-12: primo, 3ml a week, mon-wed-fri
week 1-4: dbol; 30mg a day split in 10mg 3 times a day.
week 2-10: tren, eod, dosage? 0.75ml eod,
week 10-16: anavar, 50/60mg a day split it up prob 5 times a day. or 2-2-2
week 14-16/18: pct, ovidrel, dosage? nolva, dosage?

or im also just thinking of just scrapping the tren and do it like that without it.

what's your thoughts on this? any advice on dosage or cycle info? pct?
i don't wanna start till i have EVERYTHING first and also going to see the doc to get my blood work done as well, but assuming everything is all good then yeah, i still dont wanna start for another month or two.

thanks in advance.
If you take anavar - it should be taken in the FIRST 4 WEEKS -, it's useless to take d-bol at the same much stress on the liver.
100 mg tren ace EOD is OK
Ovidrel[ aka HCG]should be shot from the first week of the cycle until the end of post cycle therapy (pct) - if you're going down this path. The weekly dose should be 150mcg.

post cycle therapy (pct) should begin 14 days after last shot:
Clomid: DAY1 -> DAY30: 100mg/day
Nolva: DAY1:40mg/day DAY2 -> DAY30: 20mg/day

If you take anavar - it should be taken in the FIRST 4 WEEKS -, it's useless to take d-bol at the same much stress on the liver.
100 mg tren ace EOD is OK
Ovidrel[ aka HCG]should be shot from the first week of the cycle until the end of post cycle therapy (pct) - if you're going down this path. The weekly dose should be 150mcg.

post cycle therapy (pct) should begin 14 days after last shot:
Clomid: DAY1 -> DAY30: 100mg/day
Nolva: DAY1:40mg/day DAY2 -> DAY30: 20mg/day


thanks for the reply mate.

dbol and anavar wont be taken at the same time, dbol at the start for kick start and strength gains and anavar at the end of cycle to help maintain gains and cut some fat.

there is test in my cycle, primoteston aka test enanthate.

ovidril/HCG is it better to take during cycle or during post cycle therapy (pct)? as in which is gonna give me more gains and able to sustain most of the gains, and i know most is to do with diet which mine is pretty good atm but still.

so this is what i think the final cycle will look like, and i think ill probably avoid the tren and see how my body reacts with these compounds or this cycle first before adding tren in a later cycle if i ever choose to cycle again.

-dbol weeks 1-5 ,40mgs a day

-testosterone enanthate (primoteston) weeks 1-12 ,3x1ml a week shot every mon-wed-fri.

-ovidril/hcg weeks 1-14 ,150mcg a week. the half life i heard is 29 to 30 hours? so should i split that 150mcg into eod injections?

-anavar weeks 10-16 ,60mg a day, 10mg tabs taken in 2-2-2 split.

and for post cycle therapy (pct) i know its 2 weeks after last injection just forgot the amounts to take from my last cycle 2 years ago.

-chlomid week 14-18, 100mg a day, before bed?
i think on my last cycle i went 200mg for first 2-3 days, then 100mg for approx 2-3 days and rest of weeks at 50mg

-nolvadex/tamoxifen week 14-18, 40mg first day and then 20mg the rest, 10mg tabs i think, split in morning and before bed?

could i also use some clen during the anavar and post cycle therapy (pct) time frame on a 2 week on/off basis tapering up and then down to also help cut some fat or maintain some size as ive also this is anti-catabolic? i think they said..

and i wont need any arimidex during cycle to help with any water weight or gyno or anything? even though im not prone to gyno but never know what could happen.

thanks again, sorry for the long writing, just trying to get all the info i can and perfect and know what i gonna do before i decide to put a date to starting.
Is that primoteston 30mgx1ml or 300mgx1ml?
Cuz if its 30mgx1ml you might as well not use it, 90mgs of test e a week won't do anything. probably just a typo.

You also may want to look at running a little exemestane (aromasin) to help keep your estrogen in check, 6mg ed.
good luck bro.