Cycle and post cycle therapy (pct) Questions!


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Cycle and PCT Questions!

Hey everyone :) I am new to these forum boards, seems like everyone here is very knowledgable and friendly, so i took the time time to sign-up!

Okay so! I am going to be starting my first PH cycle, "Dark Cyde Sledge" Compounds follow as:

13-ethyl-3-methoxy-gona-2,5(10)dien-17-one 30mg

17-beta-hydroxy-2-alpha,17-dimethly-5-alpha-androstan-3-one azine 15mg

I am supporting my health with the following of:

- Hawthorne Berry
- Milk Thistle (liquid form)
- Himalaya LiverCare (Liv.52)
- Fish oil
- Omega 3,6,9 blend.

* I also have A-HD incase of gyno flare up, i don't really know how potent this sledge stuff is, i just know it's double methylated- so i'd like to be extra careful *

I think i should be set on that? Unless anyone has any suggestions please follow up, that would be greatly appreciated! :)

Now i was wondering if anyone can point me to a PCT that would be suitable for this cycle, this is where i'm a little stumped :bawling:
P.S. i hope this isn't TMI but i'd like for my Sex Drive to still be there when i'm done =)

Thanks guys! Hope to hear from someone soon!

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looked the up and its max log and dymethazine...

wtf is a-hd?

theres no such thing as double methyl (they could both be methyls, yes) afaik. it either is or it isn't and has to do with the molecular structure of the steroid.

you've obviously not done research and just bought something based on a sales pitch.

judging from what the rest of your cycle looks like you should just get some novadex from gaspari and you'll be set **SARCASM**

do more reading before you put strange substances into your body. you could seriously fuck your shit up if you don't do it right.

with that being said, do it right or don't do it at all.
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sorry for being a dick but just hang out and read and you'll learn a lot. doing something with out knowing how to do it and not having a full understanding of what you're doing is not a good idea when your health is at risk.
yeah i havent heard of that before, but with any steroid/PH no matter how mild or strong, I always suggest a SERM, either Nolva + DAA or Clomid. If there is no way you can get a serm, order the TRS stack + TCF - 1 from Primordial Performance.

And why are you taking two Liver Supports?
i honestly wouldn't bother with the liver protection. but thats just me.

people are on methylated drugs every day for the rest of their lives without complication and we think for a few week cycle that we need "liver protection"? just don't bomb the fuck out of your liver, drink lots of water and you should be fine.

but again just my opinion.