cycle duration, and extra supplies

New member
I was planning on 12 weeks test enth, @500/wk. I will have extra supplies and I was wondering if it was ok to extend it to 14 or 16 weeks?

Also with my next order i acquired a free item but i dont know what to choose. I already have everything i need. Is there something i can add to my cycle at this point?(week 8) or should i just forget about it.
if this is your first cycle , a lot of people recommend to keep it on the shorter side ( 12weeks ) for test e . Personaly on my second I went up to 15 weeks and probably going to keep it like that. If this is your first cycle and your doing good . just keep it more simple . IF u don't have any problems with estrogen and are using an ai , that's all u need . At 8 weeks in I wouldn't consider adding much . Only thing I may consider is I realy wanted to would maybe be proviron. Free up some more test , but I honestly wouldn't bother
12 weeks is too short. Way too short. And here is why. When you add in expgenious test you are going to shut down your natural test. What this means is you don't get your natural plus your cyp. So you will diminish your test after a few weeks. Run it for 16 weeks and take a couple more weeks off to recover. You need to give your body time to hold the weight.

Also keep in mind after 12 weeks your body is still fighting extra muscle and water. Give it time to adjust man.

Trust me when I say you will have better results.
This is my first cycle, i have clomid nolva and arimidex on hand. I have not had any sides or negative effects.
I always say, see how it goes around week 9 them decide if you want to extend it past 10 weeks or not.

Load up of adex and nolva