Learning how to take steroids safely is a process, there is a learning curve and some milestones you need to reach. First cycle should be test only for a number of reasons, perhaps the most important is to learn how to manage estrogen by taking an AI and getting blood testing to dial it in. Didn't see you mention pre cycle or mid cycle bloods, or AI, so assume you are not up to speed on this. This is seriously the most important thing about your first cycle to get right, it will help you on all future ones.
You want to add deca, three issues here - not on first cycle, 200 mg is not effective for anything other than joint support, and 10 weeks is too short. Suggest you save it for next time, run 400 minimum and 12 week min.
Dbol - again you should learn how you aromatize, and how much AI you need before messing with things like this. Test deca dbol is one of the oldest and most effective cycles, but save it for #2 or #3 when you know what you are doing.
Also you have no mention of HCG. Do you want to maintain fertility and have the best chance of natural recovery? If so you should add it. Even if those don't matter to you, then you should add it.
You didn't mention how long to wait after last shot to start PCT. This is very important, and changes quite a bit with varying doses and throwing in longer esters like deca.
Why no clomid in your PCT? Using both clomid and nolva will maximize your chances of recovery.