Probably should contribute to the OP.
I'd run a moderate dose of test prop(350mg/wk), and low "athletic" dose of deca(200mg) for joint mobility and eventually a low dose of gh. Taurine for pumps, because that'll certainly kill your workout. With crossfit a lot of it is going to be based on your recovery time so I'd skip too high of androgens and stick with higher anabolics later with your cycles.
Would stay away from:
orals ... Too bad of a pump
Tren... Kills cardio(my experience along with others)
Again recovery is going to be your key to success with crossfit along with being a balanced athlete. So whatever you decide to take, I'd 1) always recommend test only for the first cycle. Then my proposed cycle. 2) always have recovery as your top priority. This is especially important with skilled movements such as the Olympic lifts... How do you get better at Olympic lifts? Work technique!
Just my opinion, I'll admit I've got a bit of crossfit ... "I call it cross training" experience.
Hope this helps