cycle info

big nick

New member
ive been running tren at 75mg eod for 3 weeks today and i was wondering if i started to run some anadrol50 25 mg ed if that would be a good idea or not thanks for the help
big nick
I've don't think I ever recall anyone doing less than 50 mg of drol a day. What else are you running with the Tren and what is your cycle experience?
im just running tren and ive done some dbols before but thats it so 50mg a day wuld be ok for like 4 to 6 weeks
I know at least one person who has run 25mg of drol. I think he said he liked it, and didn't get real bloated but gained nice strength. I am weary of combining any of the following, deca, tren, drol, i know a couple bros who started lactating from these drugs, lol. I think if that happened to me i might have to call it quits. That is just a personal preference though. Many people combine these drugs.
Don't add anadrol!
After this cycle, run your post cycle therapy (pct) and after you've fully recovered and had an adequate amount of time off:

try test enanthate at 500 mgs per week for 10 weeks