Cycle is OVER


New member
I did my last shot of Enan this morning. I started the cycle at ~206lbs and last night I weighed in at 229, so I am pretty happy with everything. I hope I can keep most of my gains when Clomid/Nolva is all done. I think if I can hold on to 225, I will be ecstatic.

This last shot didn't go too well today though. I poked my bicep and aspirated like always. There was a small air bubble in the syringe, so I injected. As soon as I pushed the oil in (about .05CC), my arm felt weird. Almost like I felt my pulse through the syringe (does that even make sense?). This kind of freaked me out, so I aspirted again and what do you know..... BLOOD. I changed he pin and decided to do a delt injection instead.

Now I have to wait a couple months until the next cycle. How does Test Enan and tren Enan sound to you guys? :yumyum:
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Nice gains....too bad all good thing must come to an end.....:D

Test & Tren sounds like a plan......but I bet you change your mind a few times...LOL !!
eastarr69, the Enan was painless. I shot 200mg Of LFC Enan twice per week. I did one shot in the glute, and the rest were in the delts and bis.

StoneColdNTO, I think I am pretty set on TestEnan/TrenEnan cycle. I was going to do a Test/Eq cycle, but I have been reading mixed reviews about EQ. I may save it for cycle #3, but who knows.
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Sorry, I shot 200mg twice per week. 20+ pounds isn't too bad for $180.00 canadian worht of gear. :D

Hopefully I can get these type of results from cycle #2.
I will take some pics this week. I have some pics from week3, so I will throw those up as well.

I think I am going to do a Clomid/Nolva combo so I don't feel the sides from Clomid as bad.
Easto said:

This last shot didn't go too well today though. I poked my bicep and aspirated like always. There was a small air bubble in the syringe, so I injected. As soon as I pushed the oil in (about .05CC), my arm felt weird. Almost like I felt my pulse through the syringe (does that even make sense?). This kind of freaked me out, so I aspirted again and what do you know..... BLOOD. I changed he pin and decided to do a delt injection instead.

Whoa, dude! Sounds like you were in the brachial artery or a branch thereof. Nice save.
This points up a good rule about injecting: when in doubt, don't!!

BTW, very nice gains! (said in best envious voice)