Cycle log. testosterone enanthate @500mg EW


New member
Hi, Little update here. You can see my other post before reading the cycle log ( Turinabol + Test E + Anavar Let's see what you think about it )

Today was first pin. I've pinned right and left quad because of a stupid newbie mistake on the first attempt. lol. I have 3cc syringe and 1 bottle of my test E contains 250mg for 1 ML. On first Pin I filled my syringe at .250 ... See what I did there ?? Stupid. It went in like butter. Didn't felt anything. No soreness, No pain, nothing. I did the Medical Health group technic on youtube and wow it was perfect. So the second pin was on left quad. I Filled my syringe at .750cc. Went in perfectly, No soreness,No pain at all. Just like butter. Man I LOVE real ******* Lab. .25 adex eod. Will do 15 weeks of Test instead of 12 because I got 3 vials. I'll update in two weeks or after every pin. We'll see.
I've post my diet in the diet category so you can take a look at it.

161 pounds Im not very tall so it's not bad. I aim 175 pounds after cycle. I don't really want to be any bigger than 180-185 pounds lean.
Around 14-15% BF -- Goal after cycle is 12-13%
2 years of weight training with a solid diet for my goals.

I speak french so sorry for my bad english.
Thanks bro ! Little bit of soreness today on left quad but it's like nothing, I mean I'm not in pain at all. Leg day is tomorrow so I'm good.:agreed:
Thought that was you in the avatar. Then I saw your stats. (no longer jealous) Maybe one day. Oh wait... you only wanna be 185 !
Today was third pin. I hit a nerve and it freak me out a little bit. I've pin a second time ( Still in the right quad ) with the same needle but in a different spot. Went well but I was shaking and I dont know why so when I pulled the needle out it started bleeding a little bit. That's all. I'm starting to have more energy and my libido seem to be very high. My beard seem to grow a little bit faster too. I DON'T KNOW if it's in my head or a placebo but I'm feeling good.
Little update here. I've start the cycle on may 4th and we are may 29. I've finished one vial ( 10ML of test E ). I'm pinning a little bit more than 1cc on monday and thursday just to make sure that I'm pinning 250 mg 2 times a week. I have 3 vial so I was suppose to cycle for 15 weeks but I hope I'll have enough test for 12 weeks at least. I take .25mg of adex eod and I dont feel any side except minor headache. The test is definitely starting to kick in because my bf is dropping slowly and my weight is increasing. I'm seeing results in the mirror and my strenght as gone up a lot this week. Looks like tera gon labs is some serious stuff. I've up the calorie intake too. I'm at 3000 cal ed 42%carbs 38%prot 20%Fat and my goal is to lean gain while dropping bf so I'm slightly over maintenance. No big bulk and I'll probably stack some clen at week 8 and run it till pct. 2 weeks on 2 weeks off . Var is too fucking expensive and Whinny doesnt seem to be a good drug for what I'm aiming for _And no fucking tren for my first cycle__ Not Sure about the Clen thought__
Little update here. I've start the cycle on may 4th and we are may 29. I've finished one vial ( 10ML of test E ). I'm pinning a little bit more than 1cc on monday and thursday just to make sure that I'm pinning 250 mg 2 times a week. I have 3 vial so I was suppose to cycle for 15 weeks but I hope I'll have enough test for 12 weeks at least. I take .25mg of adex eod and I dont feel any side except minor headache. The test is definitely starting to kick in because my bf is dropping slowly and my weight is increasing. I'm seeing results in the mirror and my strenght as gone up a lot this week. Looks like tera gon labs is some serious stuff. I've up the calorie intake too. I'm at 3000 cal ed 42%carbs 38%prot 20%Fat and my goal is to lean gain while dropping bf so I'm slightly over maintenance. No big bulk and I'll probably stack some clen at week 8 and run it till pct. 2 weeks on 2 weeks off . Var is too fucking expensive and Whinny doesnt seem to be a good drug for what I'm aiming for _And no fucking tren for my first cycle__ Not Sure about the Clen thought__

if you are going for the lean bulk id say hold the clen till after pct. once you are off PCT, continue your diet and workout exactly as how you had it during the cycle or a little extra and after a few weeks use clen to take that extra bf off.
i tried it with my last cycle and i kept 15 pounds, its been 7 months since my last cycle and the weight is there so is somewhat definition( i was bulking)...good luck
I see your point here but if I'm running clen trought the cycle it's because I wanna rip off that extra 2% bf during the summer. If I wait after PCT, summer will be over and there is absolutely no need ( For me ) to be shredded like hell after summer. Thanks for your input !
DAY 27 Little update : Since yesterday I started to feel like complete shit. Insomnia and sleep for 2-3 hours then wake up for no reason all night long. I was depressed and completely lethargic during the day. Chest day was HORRIBLE" Seem to be a case of high e2 so I've up the adex to .50 eod. I took 0.5mg today and everything seems to be fine now, I've destroyed my back today. ( Took it in the morning after a shitty night ) I mean the symptoms seems to be all gone. If i wanna do a bloodwork at week 6 how can I proceed without a doctor ? A Canadian lab would be fine.
That's usually an indication that your e2 is high. This is when I know I need to up the ai. So I think I'll be ok now. But do get ur bloowdwork at 6 week as u planned
DAY 29 It was definitely a case of high e2 I felt like complete shit and now with .5mg of adex eod I feel like superman godamit. Life is so perfect now. The gains and the veins are popping right now. BF is slowly melting. My strenght went up a lot on today's leg day. It felt incredible. I mean wow I think I'll become addict to this shit now. Trapz, shoulder and upper pec are bigger. 1 word. Fantastic - I think I'll be fucking depressed when it's gonna be the time to pct. Thanks you for following my post and giving me those advice fitguy. Fuck the clen, I can make some decent gains while losing bf. The HIIT 2 times a week help a lot.
DAY31 Yeah, I had a Tinder date yesterday. We fucked 4 times. I banged her the first time for like 30 minutes without cumming and the second time I wasn't even able to cum, even after an hour of intense sex. 3rd time after the shower, I mean 15 minutes later we fucked again and I came after around 45 minutes. The 4th time ( This morning) I've not been able to cum.. I mean it's great to fuck for an hour long but why I'm not cumming ??? Is it because of the test or the AI ?? Need some advice here guys
I have a problem with my AI dosage please refer to my other post in the anabolic section if you wanna help ( It would be greatly appreciated )---> Big problem with arimidex HELP
Crashed my estradiol. Stopped the adex for 3 days now but I'm starting to feel high e2 symptoms again. Being fucking emotional on a shitty movie ( Jerry Macguire ) :finger:
try aromasin

I had similar problems while using adex

if you can get your hands on some asin

It made the world of difference for me after switching.

my body handles asin way better than adex