Cycle Result: 300mg Test Cyp & 300mg/Primo 12weeks.


New member
Hi bro,
I'm in my second week of post cycle therapy (pct).
My Cycle was:
1-12 300mg Test Cyp & 300mg/Primo
4-12 50mg Proviron ED
2-12 .25mg Adex EOD
2-12 375UI HCG E5D

My post cycle therapy (pct) is
1 - 100mg clomid, 40mg nolva
2 -3 50C / 20N
4-5 20N

Day 0
170 lbs 13%BF (Approximation)
DAY 16
176lbs 12.73% (Verified with Bodycalipter)
Day 106 (Now)
182lbs 11.53%

Total gain
LBM: (182-170)+ (12.73%-11.53%)*170 = 14lbs !!

I really appreciate the result.
I have to say that right before my cycle, I gained 10pound by usiing creatine and increasing my cals. (I've been on 2500cals/day for the summer...)

Since September, I gained 22pound. Like you wil see on the pic. I gained some water but not too much...(if you compare the first and the last one)

My diet was

Protein Carb fat
250 Cottage Cheese 30 13 2.6
1 cup of milk 8.8 13
1 scoop of protein 23 3 1.5
3 egg 21 18
2 tbs spoon of peanut better 8.2 5 15
91 34 37.1 834

1 cup Oatmeal (dry) 12.6 60 6
1 cup of milk 8.8 13
21.4 73 6 432

2 Cup of Brun Rice 10 90 3.2
300g Meat 60 0 5
70 90 8.2 714

1 cup Oatmeal (dry) 12.6 60 6
1 cup of milk 8.8 13
21.4 73 6 432

2 Cup of Brun Rice 10 90 3.2
300g Meat 60 0 5
70 90 8.2 714

Concentrate grape juice 0 50 0
2 protein scoop 46 6 3
46 56 3 435

319.8 416 68.5 3559.7