Cycle shot? Need opinions

Mr. Burns

New member
I have yet to see my doc, but I suspect I may have pulled muscles in my left wrist. I cannot lift anything heavy. I'm in the 7th week of my cycle and have 18 amps of Sustanon (sust) left, should I save them or continue my cycle and blast my legs and abs?
it's good to hear you are going to see a doc. I would blast the hell outta those legs and abs... if you just stop now, it will be hard to get back on track.
that is a tough question because you have so much left. I hurt my shoulder two or three weeks before the end of my cycle, so all I could do was legs abs and some light deadlifting which was alright. If it were me I would stop the cycle because it sounds like you have at least 5 weeks left. but that is just me. I would save them for the next cycle and heal up while you can.
My oppinion depends on the amount of time that you have left. If you have more than two weeks left than I would say stop and keep the Sustanon (sust). for next round. But if you only have two weeks left then I would stay on.
You must be pissed bro! I would take a bat and smash the fuck out of something, that will make you feel better.

Try to wrap it up when training and keep going, or you might lose your strength and size.