Cycle started - will be posting here


New member
I am doing the test intramuscularly in the glute, and while I was doing so I wondered what the difference would be if it would be subcutaneously?
Drugs administrered subcutanously have a much lower absorption rate, but would the test still be taken up or not?

- Spent some time doing background reading
- Got help from very knowledgable guys on this forum... thanks to you all
- Did the pre blood-work
- Started my 1st cycle this morning... Guess it will take at least 1-2 weeks before I feel anything.

1-6 weeks
500mg TE-injections/week (1ml, 250mg Monday morning & 1ml, 250mg Thursday evening
50mg Dianabol (dailym 2x25mg pre-workout. Off days the intake is 25mg morning & 25mg evening)
0.5mg Adex EOD (wanted 0.25mg but the tabs are to difficult to cut, so I went 0.5mg EOD)

6-12 weeks
500mg TE-injections/week (1ml, 250mg Monday morning & 1ml, 250mg Thursday evening
0.5mg Adex EOD

13-14 weeks
0.5mg ADEX EOD

15-18 weeks
PCT with only Nolvadex (40/40/20/20) and Clomid (50/50/50/50)

10g Creatine monohydrate x3/ day (2weeks on, 4weeks off)
2400g NAC/day (2x1200)
200mg B6/day (1x100)

Will do a blood work again in 4-6weeks. Also good to see whether my stuff is actually working or fake (the tabs do look a bit weird)
SubQ works - just at a different rate. It works better with smaller doses though. At your doses, you would have big lumps under your skin.

Watch for symptoms of low estradiol. You are taking a LOT of adex. Have you considered pulverizing your pills and dosing by weight?