Hey everyone this is my second cycle and I wanted to know if there anything wrong with it or any tips
I'm 5'9, 170 pounds and 24 years old. Bin lifting for 4 years now
Previous cycle: 100mg Dbol ed for 4 weeks got good results from it gained almost 20 pounds! Kept about 12 pounds
New Cycle:
1-12 week Test cyp 400mg (200mg Monday and Thursday)
1-10 week Deca 200mg (Wednesday)
10-12 week Ana Anavar (var) 60mg ED
adex .25mg 3-10 wks
PCT: Clomid 50/50/25/25
Protein: Isoflex (2 scoops dailey)
Calories: 3000-3500 daily
If anyone has done this cycle before please tell me your results
I also heard Test E 500mg a week for 12 weeks and 50mg dbols 7-12 weeks ed gives you really good gains to. Which one would be better? Test cyp/Deca/ Anavar (var) or Test E/Dbols
Goal: Reach about 190-200 pounds keep about half
I'm 5'9, 170 pounds and 24 years old. Bin lifting for 4 years now
Previous cycle: 100mg Dbol ed for 4 weeks got good results from it gained almost 20 pounds! Kept about 12 pounds
New Cycle:
1-12 week Test cyp 400mg (200mg Monday and Thursday)
1-10 week Deca 200mg (Wednesday)
10-12 week Ana Anavar (var) 60mg ED
adex .25mg 3-10 wks
PCT: Clomid 50/50/25/25
Protein: Isoflex (2 scoops dailey)
Calories: 3000-3500 daily
If anyone has done this cycle before please tell me your results
I also heard Test E 500mg a week for 12 weeks and 50mg dbols 7-12 weeks ed gives you really good gains to. Which one would be better? Test cyp/Deca/ Anavar (var) or Test E/Dbols
Goal: Reach about 190-200 pounds keep about half
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