Cycle tips! Test cyp, Deca and Anavar


New member
Hey everyone this is my second cycle and I wanted to know if there anything wrong with it or any tips

I'm 5'9, 170 pounds and 24 years old. Bin lifting for 4 years now

Previous cycle: 100mg Dbol ed for 4 weeks got good results from it gained almost 20 pounds! :o Kept about 12 pounds

New Cycle:

1-12 week Test cyp 400mg (200mg Monday and Thursday)
1-10 week Deca 200mg (Wednesday)
10-12 week Ana Anavar (var) 60mg ED
adex .25mg 3-10 wks

PCT: Clomid 50/50/25/25

Protein: Isoflex (2 scoops dailey)
Calories: 3000-3500 daily

If anyone has done this cycle before please tell me your results :)

I also heard Test E 500mg a week for 12 weeks and 50mg dbols 7-12 weeks ed gives you really good gains to. Which one would be better? Test cyp/Deca/ Anavar (var) or Test E/Dbols

Goal: Reach about 190-200 pounds keep about half
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Hey everyone this is my second cycle and I wanted to know if there anything wrong with it or any tips

I'm 5'9, 170 pounds and 24 years old. Bin lifting for 4 years now

Previous cycle: 100mg Dbol ed for 4 weeks got good results from it gained almost 20 pounds! :o Kept about 12 pounds

New Cycle:

1-12 week Test cyp 400mg (200mg Monday and Thursday)
1-10 week Deca 200mg (Wednesday)
10-12 week Ana Anavar (var) 60mg ED
adex .25mg 3-10 wks

PCT: Clomid 50/50/25/25

Protein: Isoflex (2 scoops dailey)
Calories: 3000-3500 daily

If anyone has done this cycle before please tell me your results :)

I also heard Test E 500mg a week for 12 weeks and 50mg dbols 7-12 weeks ed gives you really good gains to. Which one would be better? Test cyp/Deca/ Anavar (var) or Test E/Dbols

Goal: Reach about 190-200 pounds keep about half

lots of problems I see with your cycle..deca at 10 weeks at 200 mg aint shit Anavar (var) for 3 weeks aint shit.You would need some caber if your running 19s not at the dose u want but at a mans dose.I would take deca at least 350 400 to 12 week take test to 14 weeks at 500 mg dont forget caber.Dbol at 100mg is crazy.Dont tapper clomid keep it at 50.I dont like the idea of deca and Anavar (var) it doesnt make sense to me
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what if I boost up the Test to 500mg and the Deca to 300mg and Anavar (var) 60mg for 4 weeks? sound better?

sounds better but Anavar (var) needs to be ran for 8 to 10 weeks.Deca and Anavar (var) together sounds not right to me there are no rules for what to stack but i dont like that idea
is there a better replacement for Anavar (var)? I could take Dbols for its place cause i Heard dbol and deca theres no problem with that
lots of problems I see with your cycle..deca at 10 weeks at 200 mg aint shit Anavar (var) for 3 weeks aint shit.You would need some caber if your running 19s not at the dose u want but at a mans dose.I would take deca at least 350 400 to 12 week take test to 14 weeks at 500 mg dont forget caber.Dbol at 100mg is crazy.Dont tapper clomid keep it at 50.I dont like the idea of deca and Anavar (var) it doesnt make sense to me

i agree with brother bundy,deca at 200mg/week wont do nothing,plus it needs to be run at least 14-16 weeks to get any results with correct diet,i would imo run deca no less than 400mg/week and 500mg/week of test...and the dbol,for the love of God,dont take 100mg/day,you want a liver lol.....try 30 mg/day,me personally i hate the shit,gave me bad sides,just not worth it to me,but thats just me,keep your estrogen down with an a.i., and use caber .5mg e3d and you should be in good shape
what if I boost up the Test to 500mg and the Deca to 300mg and Anavar (var) 60mg for 4 weeks? sound better?

run deca for ATLEAST 12 weeks and test for 14 weeks.
dont bother with Anavar (var) unless you plan to run it for 6-8weeks and your got money to bern. otherwise get tbol run that for 4-6wks at 40mg ed (if you need an oral in there)
i agree with brother bundy,deca at 200mg/week wont do nothing,plus it needs to be run at least 14-16 weeks to get any results with correct diet,i would imo run deca no less than 400mg/week and 500mg/week of test...and the dbol,for the love of God,dont take 100mg/day,you want a liver lol.....try 30 mg/day,me personally i hate the shit,gave me bad sides,just not worth it to me,but thats just me,keep your estrogen down with an a.i., and use caber .5mg e3d and you should be in good shape

Dbol 30-60mg is good. Dbol is VERY bad with estrogen issues. I would just rec tbol.
I find deca at 300mg ew for 12-14 weeks good, but would not pass 400mg ew myself.