I'm 27 years old, ~13-14% bf, ~160 pounds(very short, barely above 5ft) ~10+ years of exp with some breaks.
Chemical exp: dianabol, stanozolol, deca durabolin, trenbolone hexa, testo propionate, testo enantathe, always hcg/clomid+proviron for PCT, ~5 months break since last cycle.
My plan is:
8 weeks
100mg propionate EOD
50mg stanozolol ED
First time that i get the chemicals from an actual pharmacy lol.
800g chicken
50g protein from powder
80g flaxseed(i think thats the name in english..) oil
280g rice + 100g oatmeal
Spread evenly during the day, extra 50g protein and 100g oatmeal on training days, + ~15-20g BCAA during workout.
Technically this means 1000kcal from protein, ~1300Kcal from carbs, and 720kcal from fats.
First question:
PCT week after last jab, clomid+proviron, HCG throughout the cycle, 250iu every week from second, i feel i recover better like this than only at the end, i will be having around 12000iu HCG left after the whole cycle, should i use that up? If so, when ? is the PCT okay like this ?
Second question:
Is this okay ? I want to lower my bf a bit, as well as increase my bodyweight(I dont expect irrational gains, between 10-15 lbs would be PERFECT!), does this sound right for that ? Or should i increase those numbers ? I'm not a big eater(love chicken, hate rice )
Third question:
I have some trenbolone hexabenzylcarbonate somewhere around, not much, enough for maybe 2 weeks EOD/75mg, should i use it up mid-cycle or not bother with it at all ? Not planning to buy more of it.
I'm also having some issues with .. my balls not coming back to a great size after last cycle, how could i help that after/during this cycle ? Is the hcg during the cycle good idea ? Sex drive and stuff works, but the skin is loose and its annoying, lol.
I'm 27 years old, ~13-14% bf, ~160 pounds(very short, barely above 5ft) ~10+ years of exp with some breaks.
Chemical exp: dianabol, stanozolol, deca durabolin, trenbolone hexa, testo propionate, testo enantathe, always hcg/clomid+proviron for PCT, ~5 months break since last cycle.
My plan is:
8 weeks
100mg propionate EOD
50mg stanozolol ED
First time that i get the chemicals from an actual pharmacy lol.
800g chicken
50g protein from powder
80g flaxseed(i think thats the name in english..) oil
280g rice + 100g oatmeal
Spread evenly during the day, extra 50g protein and 100g oatmeal on training days, + ~15-20g BCAA during workout.
Technically this means 1000kcal from protein, ~1300Kcal from carbs, and 720kcal from fats.
First question:
PCT week after last jab, clomid+proviron, HCG throughout the cycle, 250iu every week from second, i feel i recover better like this than only at the end, i will be having around 12000iu HCG left after the whole cycle, should i use that up? If so, when ? is the PCT okay like this ?
Second question:
Is this okay ? I want to lower my bf a bit, as well as increase my bodyweight(I dont expect irrational gains, between 10-15 lbs would be PERFECT!), does this sound right for that ? Or should i increase those numbers ? I'm not a big eater(love chicken, hate rice )
Third question:
I have some trenbolone hexabenzylcarbonate somewhere around, not much, enough for maybe 2 weeks EOD/75mg, should i use it up mid-cycle or not bother with it at all ? Not planning to buy more of it.
I'm also having some issues with .. my balls not coming back to a great size after last cycle, how could i help that after/during this cycle ? Is the hcg during the cycle good idea ? Sex drive and stuff works, but the skin is loose and its annoying, lol.
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