Cycling for MMA/BJJ in Thailand


New member
Hey guys,

I'm currently training in Thailand and I've got an opportunity to try my first cycle legally (you can go into a pharmacy here and they have steroid menus). I'm here for 8 weeks and I'd like something to help recovery and performance, I'm trying to train 2-3 times a day and i really think steroids could help. My only problem is that there' currently a lot of infections going around (staph) and I don't want to do any injectables just for the risk of infection. I've already had a chat to a few guys who had tiny cuts then went to training and ended up taking 2-3 weeks off training with huge disgusting skin infections.

I've done a bit of reading online and was thinking of a var only cycle, something along the lines of:

Anavar 50mg ED Weeks 1-6
Proviron 25mg ED Weeks 2-6
Clomid 50mg ED Weeks 6-8

I know it's a short cycle and I've read the sticky on oral only cycles, but I don't want to get an infection.

Info about me:
Years training (MMA/BJJ): 5
BF%: around 10
Weight: 78kgs
Height: 181cm

And my diet most days looks like this:
Meal 1: Omelette and rice
Meal 2: Protein shake with banana
Meal 3: Chicken, rice and vegetables
Meal 4: Protein shake with banana
Meal 5: Beef, potatoes and salad

Thanks for any help
1 - the stickies are right
2 - it would not only be useless but even counter-productive for your training. At an effective dose, Var will give you pumps that will make the training hardly bearable and won't help on recovery anyway.
3 - Oxandrolone is not prescribed in Thailand (you can register on MIMMS and check by yourself if you don't believe me) which means that the Var you will find in the pharamcies is UGL, whith a high chance for it to be something else (winny, t-bol), and none of these other compunds will be of any help anyway.

FYI I used to compete in MT and I live in Thailand, I'm not pulling these info from my ass
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Thanks for the reply dude, won't be doing that then.

Is there anything else you'd recommend for recovery? I'm sure you know it can be tough to train 2-3 times a day, especially on the immune system
Thanks for the reply dude, won't be doing that then.

Is there anything else you'd recommend for recovery? I'm sure you know it can be tough to train 2-3 times a day, especially on the immune system

Hell yeah, but that's the purpose of training there after all ;)
I'm an old fart, the last time I trained in Thailand was 20 years ago but the training hasn't changed.
TBH the only thing I can recommend is sleep...As you can see Thais can go into deep sleep within minutes, it still amaze me...If they got 15mn free they just lie down, close their eyes and BAM!, not even 5mn and they are dozzing like babies.

The thai style of fighting is very strenuous because they fight almost exclusively with their legs, lot of clenching, etc...It's a lot more about cardio than power. Steroids are not of a great help on this side, sorry but that's the truth...Test would help a bit on the recovery side but you don't have enough time for that, are too young to cycle, and you're absolutely right with the infection, if they are around play it safe.

A few years back I got one thrhough something as ridiculous as a mosquito bite...It all it took, just a nice mosquito to push the staph under the skin. 3 weeks later my doctor back home was draining half a pint of pus from my calf, he told me I was 48H away from septicemia and could have lost my leg if had waited longer to see him.

Try to sleep as much as you can, load you with vitamins and minerals, eat clean (but it's hard to eat dirty in Thailand anyway). Thai massage helps a lot for soreness (the real ones, not the "special" ones) and to relax the muscles.

Even if you were not 22 I would tell you exactly the same thing. Should you stay longer and be a bit older I could have said test at low doses but even then it would have had its drawbacks (water rentention making you heavier, etc...)

As you know the guys here start to fight super young, at 18 most of them already got at least 50 fights under their belt...The fighters who cycle are old, experienced guys who don't train as hard anymore, they just go to a fight like a plumber would go to a day of work, it's easier for them to be on gear.
No the training hasn't changed that much, but I think that's a good thing. With regards to sleep, I've got insomnia so I don't really tend to sleep that much unfortunately. I've been trying to rest though in between training sessions, most of the time I'm either lying in bed reading books and watching movies or eating.

Yeah you're right, but i also do BJJ and wrestling, i think it might help those a little more since there's a greater strength aspect to it. I'm not too fussed about doing it or not though, it was recommended to me by a guy I train with after I told him i have cracked rib.

That sucks how long did it take to fully get over the infection? I've got a small skin infection at the moment actually which is really annoying because i can't train. Sounds scary, I don't want to lose any limbs while I'm over here haha. I'm on anti-biotics though and I've been told it should clear up in a few days.

Thanks for taking your time to help, I'm glad I didn't take the other guys advice and just jump in and do it.
Bjj is all about technique brother! Testosterone also weakens the immune system somewhat. That's why alpha males in animal packs are infested with parasites. Random fact of the day.

Just enjoy your training, you are young, with an amazing oppurtunity in front of you. You should already have naturally high levels of testosterone and your body is still maturing. Just go to thailand, train hard, eat right, and get enough rest. You will come back 100% tougher and better, and hopefully a nice tan ;)

Good luck
Sleep is your problem IMHO. After posting yesterday I realized that it was 11pm and that you were not sleeping yet, that's wrong, when I was training in LOS I was sleeping like a rock at 9pm. I don't know how you guys train but at 5:30 am we were running, no way you can handle this without some solid 7H, preferably 8 hours of sleep.

Try to have naps between the training sessions, you should have a two hours break between the morning and afternoon training, eat fast, shower quick and try to sleep, naps do wonder.

Do you know where your insomnia come from? Do you usually have hard time sleeping or is it the climate, humidity? We are in winter now, this is the most enjoyable season, a lot less humid and fresher than the rest of the year. Where do you train? On the seaside or up North? BKK?

Don't freak out with the infections, they clear out quickly with antibiotics, but if you see a small wound (it can be as minor as a scratch or a bug bite) that do not heal normally, especially if it turns red and itchy, go see a doctor. Thailand got one of the best medical environment in the world, as long as you go to a private clinic you'll be super safe. You can buy antibiotics without a prescription but I do not recommend it, you might pick the wrong ones and just make the bacterias more resistant.
If you're on the sea side you will see some posters here and there inviting the tourist to do excatly what I just said, there's a reason for that. With the humidity, there are outburst of really nasty bacterias, the locals know it well, don't play the tough guy like I did, go see a doctor and it will be a breeze.

The Thai massage thing is no BS, it really helps a lot. The traditional Thai massage revolve around stretching / crushing the muscles to force them to relax, not really enjoyable when you have it but pretty magic afterwards.

Depending on where you stay go for a FS if it can help you to sleep ;) If after 6-8 hours of training, a hot shower, a massage, solid food and sex you still can't sleep it's hopeless...
Low dose test (preferably prop) no more than 250mg a week. With either 30-50mgs of var a week or low dose NPP. Any higher doses IMO would be counter productive for a fighter. Also you can just do your injections before bed and sterilize thoroughly to reduce the risk of infection. I ran a higher dose test+var cycle and it actually decreased my performance in training.
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Guys, I don't want to sound paternalist but:

- OP is 22yo and shouldn't jump in the gear wagon yet IMHO
- OP is in a training camp for 8 weeks only and should therefore do test prop, which means eod pins, increased infection risk due to mutliple pinning, PIP, etc...
- I think that OP hasn't gathered enough knowledge and info about AAS to jump into it right now
- OP has never cycled and should do a one compound only cycle anyway (test)

There are loads of other factors that are not favorable towards starting a cycle in a hurry...Yes, hormones are OTC in Thailand but ancillaries are not. Tamoxifene and Clomiphene are controlled drugs. Yes, some pharmacists will sell them but at a high price tag. Same thing with AIs.

I sincerely think that he should wait his next training session to get into AAS...Start the cycle 2 or 3 weeks before flying to the camp so that test has kicked in when he get there. With the time taken to plan a proper and safe cycle. Just my 02cts
Sleep is your problem IMHO. After posting yesterday I realized that it was 11pm and that you were not sleeping yet, that's wrong, when I was training in LOS I was sleeping like a rock at 9pm. I don't know how you guys train but at 5:30 am we were running, no way you can handle this without some solid 7H, preferably 8 hours of sleep.

Try to have naps between the training sessions, you should have a two hours break between the morning and afternoon training, eat fast, shower quick and try to sleep, naps do wonder.

Do you know where your insomnia come from? Do you usually have hard time sleeping or is it the climate, humidity? We are in winter now, this is the most enjoyable season, a lot less humid and fresher than the rest of the year. Where do you train? On the seaside or up North? BKK?

Don't freak out with the infections, they clear out quickly with antibiotics, but if you see a small wound (it can be as minor as a scratch or a bug bite) that do not heal normally, especially if it turns red and itchy, go see a doctor. Thailand got one of the best medical environment in the world, as long as you go to a private clinic you'll be super safe. You can buy antibiotics without a prescription but I do not recommend it, you might pick the wrong ones and just make the bacterias more resistant.
If you're on the sea side you will see some posters here and there inviting the tourist to do excatly what I just said, there's a reason for that. With the humidity, there are outburst of really nasty bacterias, the locals know it well, don't play the tough guy like I did, go see a doctor and it will be a breeze.

The Thai massage thing is no BS, it really helps a lot. The traditional Thai massage revolve around stretching / crushing the muscles to force them to relax, not really enjoyable when you have it but pretty magic afterwards.

Depending on where you stay go for a FS if it can help you to sleep ;) If after 6-8 hours of training, a hot shower, a massage, solid food and sex you still can't sleep it's hopeless...

Don't forget the happy ending :wiggle: