Cycling Through the Flu - To Continue or Not?


New member
Stats - 43, 200lbs, 5'11" - numerous cycles - and TRT - currently in week 6 of a planned 8 week cycle of Tren A @ 50ed + TRT Test at 200pw. Using AMDX and Caber to control estrogen/prolactin. I was diagnosed with the flu yesterday, and all of my common sense says to stop the cycle, recover, and reset in a few months. Does anyone disagree with that, or believe I am being overly cautious?
I would say either reset and just go to your trt regimen or just continue and rest up for a couple of may feel good by the end of the week. It's just the flu
Ya know sometimes these flu's don't last too long. I would do as Milton says and stay the course. YOu can miss a few days and go easy with your workouts while getting more rest and just keeping the AAS input to your body.

If the Tren is tough on you , you can lower it and keep it going so it doesn't drain you. AT your age you will see in a short while if this is going to hang in for long.

Good Luck and keep us updated as to your health. More people may have the same problem and wanna hear testimony. A lot of flu going around this year. :wavey:
I'm in a similar boat. Not running a cycle, but a high-ish trt protocal and cutting for summer. I'm sick as a dog but push through. Low intensity cardio and lifting 10-20 lbs lighter, focusing on hypertrophy. Other than gym time I take it easy and get plenty of rest.
Agree with the Boss on this one D. The flu lasts all of a week. Get some rest, maybe a few days off, let your muscles recover & keep pinning
Thx boys; precisely what I was looking for. Staying the course and resting up a bit. Really appreciate the thoughtful feedback
Rest feed pin repeat.
Use this to let connective tissue s to catch up, glycogen to store up..feed a fever starve a cold.