Cyp cycle almost over....


New member
What's up guys , I'm new here and wanted to post my current cycle and ask a few questions and get advice. This is my 2nd cycle first was test e at 8 weeks

I just started week 12 of my 16 week cyp cycle
I do 250 mg twice weekly mon morning / Thursday night
I take 1 mg of anastrozle every third day

My question is , iv gone from 225 ( prob high 20 low 30 %bf ) to 202 ( I was told I look like I'm at high teens now 18-19% ) my main goal was to cut on this cycle but I was wondering if you guys think I should try to bulk up on the last four weeks , I'd like to get a little more size , and strength. All my lifts have gone up also on this cycle.

My diet has been 1800 calls a day , high protein high fat low carb , iv always shredded weight on low carbs and it worked out well so far with the cyp , but I wouldn't mind eat more

As for pct I was going to run clomid 50/50/50/50 and nolva 40/20/20/20

Any thoughts , advice?
there is no point in bulking with your current bodyfat.. austinite nail it with his advice... keep going with your cycle (you seriously shouldn't have been cycling at that bodyfat in the first place)