Cytomel flat muscles no pump


New member
I've been using cytomel 50 mcg for 1 week now. Really not happy how flat I am and I can barely catch a pump at the gym. I basically look like how I did when I was natural just bigger. Anyways I'm dropping it. Since it was a only 1 week run. Usually how long till my natural t3 returns and till I look full and juicy?
I've been using cytomel 50 mcg for 1 week now. Really not happy how flat I am and I can barely catch a pump at the gym. I basically look like how I did when I was natural just bigger. Anyways I'm dropping it. Since it was a only 1 week run. Usually how long till my natural t3 returns and till I look full and juicy?
If you want to look full and juicy you should come back and answer the comments above. You wont get any helpful advice if you dont interact with members.
It's well documented that even after years of T3 usage, natural production returns quickly when discontinued.
dont mess with it anymore, not worth muscle loss IMO and even when i did it would be 20-40mg with a biggerthan norm aas dose.
you should be fine in a few days, level out in a couple weeks.