d-aspartic acid (daa) standalone causing nipple sensitivity


New member
I know this is a topic that has been beaten to death and I know I should be taking some type of AI for the nipple sensitivity... The problem is whenever I take an AI, the drop in estrogen destroys my joints, can't even train.

I started DAA 3 days ago 3g/day, had an insane pump yesterday, almost as good a dbol I kid you not. Unfortunately, I'm gyno prone and my left nip feels like there's icy hot on it.

Would a SERM be beneficial or counter active because of the lowering of IGF?...I guess I'm looking for something that mildly inhibits aromatase/estrogen without still causing joint pain and gyno..

Not sure if something OTC would work or what but any help would be appreciated! Or Maybe raloxifene because it doesn't use the same mechanism as nolva that lowers igf?
Daa doesn't work IMO
It won't raise ur test therefor won't affect ur estradiol
Yep. I've run blood panels on the stuff, and have come to the conclusion that the effects are greatly exaggerated.

FYI: If you sweat a lot, the salts that remain on your shirt when the water evaporates can act as an abrasive on your nipples. Just something to think about. :)