d bol, deca, sust, hgh help me out


New member
firstly my stats
gender male
(100 % all Natural at the momment stepping on to the darkside)
height 6ft 1.8
weight 16.1st, 101kg, 224lbs
Bodyfat 13%
age 26
Chest 49.5 "
Arms 18 "
Bench 155kg 341.7 lbs (x2 NO SPOT)
Squat 180kg 396 .8 lbs (x6-8 NO SPOT)
Deadlift 220kg 485 lbs obviously no spot

been weight training consistanly 4 years blessed with mesomorphic genetics always have been mesmorphic even before training, plus alway been athletic football basketball rugby athletics muay thai etc.
I believe ive reached my natural genetic potential my strength gains are at a sticking point im 16 stone on a empty stomach im finally ready to try a cycle to push on.
My goal is 15-20 lbs of quality lean mass body fat 8% so 240 10-8 % bodyfat for me would be a great look.

Diet now (2500cl 300g protien 200carbs no fat really 70g tops)
Diet on cycle (3500cl 400g protien 280 carbs 100 fat)

I have read 12 Test E cycle for beginners however i dont intend to do more then 1 cycle so my receptors wont get enough time to get fried and i dont need to worry about doses becoming ineffective either as im almost where i want to be physically.

I also read that a beginners stack cycle will do wonders i only have acces to sustanon and deca dbol aswell as somatropin but i only intend to do the one cycle KEEP as much quality gains as humanly possible but like i said.
I will use diet exercise and maybe a low dosage of somatropin hgh
2-3 ius a day on a 4-5 month cycle once my test levels are restored 4-5months time to help bring my body fat down to 6-8% if possible.
Im not a MASS MONSTER i like the fact im big but still ripped and want to keep this look.
my logic is this cycle will give me the size and extra strength gains iam looking for critique if anything looks odd please.

1 week** deca=400mg mon/ thurs SUST= 500mg m/w/f/s Dbol40mg
2 week** deca=400mg mon/ thurs SUST= 500mg m/w/f/s Dbol40mg
3 week** deca=400mg mon/ thurs SUST= 500mg m/w/f/s Dbol40mg
4 week** deca=400mg mon/ thurs SUST= 500mg m/w/f/s Dbol40mg
5 week** deca=400mg mon/ thurs SUST= 500mg m/w/f/s Dbol40mg
6 week** deca=400mg mon/ thurs SUST= 500mg m/w/f/s
7 week** deca=400mg mon/ thurs SUST= 500mg m/w/f/s
8 week** deca=400mg mon/ thurs SUST= 500mg m/w/f/s
9 week** deca=400mg mon/ thurs SUST= 500mg m/w/f/s
10 week**deca=400mg mon/ thurs SUST= 500mg m/w/f/s
11week** Sustanon (sust) 500mg m/w/f/s
12week** Sustanon (sust) 500mg m/w/f/s

I will also be taking vitamin B6 100mg and sustain alpha to battle progesterone while on cycle, milk thistle to protect organs vitamin E to prepare for hcg

3 weeks after last Sustanon (sust) jab
Week Nolvadex HCG Clomid Vitamin E
1 20mgs/day 500iu/day 50mgs/day 1,000iu/day
2 20mgs/day 500iu/day 50mgs/day 1,000iu/day
3 20mgs/day 500iu/day 50mgs/day 1,000iu/day
4 20mgs/day 20mgs/day
5 20mgs/day
6 20mgs/day

i also use zma,tribulus testris and creatine and continue with vitamin E,
vitamin b6 and milk thistle post cycle for roughly 2months

******** 5 QUESTIONS?******************** ***

1) Is my goal of 240lbs 6-8% body fat realistic?

2) Are my doses correct? keep in mind my size and age

3) Is my PCT and cycle well structed

4) Do i need Proviron - 50mg per day weeks 2 to 6???

5) hcg on the 12th week or wait till the 15th

6) Nolvadex/deca ive heard it can cause progesterone gyno but by week 15 shouldn't the deca be long gone out of my system if i stop it in week 10???

please critrique and answer my questions on the safest way to run this cycle.
questions need answers guys....................? should hcg be done during the cycle also?
i want to follow the correct protocol ive deca is a nasty one if you run it wrong

firstly my stats
gender male
(100 % all Natural at the momment stepping on to the darkside)
height 6ft 1.8
weight 16.1st, 101kg, 224lbs
Bodyfat 13%
age 26
Chest 49.5 "
Arms 18 "
Bench 155kg 341.7 lbs (x2 NO SPOT)
Squat 180kg 396 .8 lbs (x6-8 NO SPOT)
Deadlift 220kg 485 lbs obviously no spot

been weight training consistanly 4 years blessed with mesomorphic genetics.

I believe ive reached my natural genetic potential my strength gains are at a sticking point im 16 stone on a empty stomach im finally ready to try a cycle to push on.
Goal is 20-30 lbs of quality lean mass
245lbs 10-8 % bodyfat for me would be a great look.

Diet now (2500cl 300g protien 200carbs no fat really 70g tops)
Diet on cycle (3500cl 400g protien 280 carbs 100 fat)

I have read 12 week Test E cycles are for beginners however I dont intend to do more then 1 cycle so my receptors wont get enough time to get fried and i dont need to worry about doses becoming ineffective either as im almost where i want to be physically.

I also read that a beginners stack cycle will do wonders.

Im not a MASS MONSTER i like the fact im big but still ripped and want to keep this look.

my logic is this cycle will give me the size and extra strength gains iam looking for critique if anything looks odd please.

1 week** deca=400mg mon/ thurs SUST= 500mg m/w/f/s Dbol40mg
2 week** deca=400mg mon/ thurs SUST= 500mg m/w/f/s Dbol40mg
3 week** deca=400mg mon/ thurs SUST= 500mg m/w/f/s Dbol40mg
4 week** deca=400mg mon/ thurs SUST= 500mg m/w/f/s Dbol40mg
5 week** deca=400mg mon/ thurs SUST= 500mg m/w/f/s Dbol40mg
6 week** deca=400mg mon/ thurs SUST= 500mg m/w/f/s
7 week** deca=400mg mon/ thurs SUST= 500mg m/w/f/s
8 week** deca=400mg mon/ thurs SUST= 500mg m/w/f/s
9 week** deca=400mg mon/ thurs SUST= 500mg m/w/f/s
10 week**deca=400mg mon/ thurs SUST= 500mg m/w/f/s
11week** Sustanon (sust) 500mg m/w/f/s
12week** Sustanon (sust) 500mg m/w/f/s

I will also be taking vitamin B6 100mg and sustain alpha to battle progesterone while on cycle, milk thistle to protect organs vitamin E to prepare for hcg

3 weeks after last Sustanon (sust) jab
Week Nolvadex HCG Clomid Vitamin E
1 20mgs/day 500iu/day 50mgs/day 1,000iu/day
2 20mgs/day 500iu/day 50mgs/day 1,000iu/day
3 20mgs/day 500iu/day 50mgs/day 1,000iu/day
4 20mgs/day 20mgs/day
5 20mgs/day
6 20mgs/day

i also use zma,tribulus testris and creatine and continue with vitamin E,
vitamin b6 and milk thistle post cycle for roughly 2months

******** QUESTIONS?******************** ***

1) Is my goal of 245 lbs 6-8% body fat realistic?

2) Are my doses correct? keep in mind my size and age

3) Is my PCT and cycle well structured

4) Do i need Provironum - 50mg per day weeks 2 to 6???

5) hcg althrough the cycle or on the 12th week or wait till the 15th are the doses correct?

6) Nolvadex/deca ive heard it can cause progesterone gyno but by week 15 shouldn't the deca be long gone out of my system if i stop it in week 10 will I be ok???

please critrique this cycle.
bro the receptor issue is not why your suppose to run test only...you dont know how your body is going to react to these compounds...you run a base cycle of test to find out how your react to the side effects and the positive effects of the compound...with the right diet and training you should gain a pretty good amount just off the test. IMO drop the deca for the first couple cycles and gain everything you can on the test. And be careful when you say your only going to do "2" cycles and you dont want to get "too" huge....thats the same mentality a crack head has...just one hit man please then Im done for good I promise....till 2 minutes later hes saying the same thing to the next guy...if you can keep it at 2 then good for you but most of the time guys wont because right now you have no idea what your getting into as far as the gains you will get and the fun you will have ;)

also run hcg all the way through the cycle up until 4 days before pct...read det oaks sticky "standard pct" and it will tell you all...hcg suppresses your hpta and serm therapy is trying to kick start it. Run nolva with clomid or just clomid or get some torimefene...those work the best...IMO nolva is too weak alone...

drop the dbol as well...run the sus at 500mg a week for 12 weeks and get your diet down to help you reach your goals...
weeks 1-12 sus 250mg mon thurs
ai = arimidex at .5mg ed or aromasin (prefered) at 12.5mg/ed...you can start these when you notice signs of gyno as well...run them to the end of serm therapy...with adex you will need to taper the dosage through serm therapy
HCG = det oaks sticky "standard pct"

Serm therapy weeks 15-18
clomid 50/50/50/50
clomid + nolva 40/40/20/20
torimefene 60/60/60/60 (prefered)

that could be a decent first cycle...alot better than the one you have layed out..you need to take it slow with this stuff bro...the key is diet not the amount of gear you run
I you doubled your calories and stay natural I'm sure you would gain some decent weight before hopping on gear. And I would take cobras advice cus you really don't know what your getting in to. :).

I wish I could eat 2500 calories a day and maintain. If I didn't eat that by lunchtime I'd lose 2 pounds!!!!
I you doubled your calories and stay natural I'm sure you would gain some decent weight before hopping on gear. And I would take cobras advice cus you really don't know what your getting in to. :).

I wish I could eat 2500 calories a day and maintain. If I didn't eat that by lunchtime I'd lose 2 pounds!!!!

yup...its obvious I failed to read that sentence...im not a big fan of long posts...

bro ecks is right...you wont gain shit off of 2500 cals...dam bro double that shit!!!
yup...its obvious I failed to read that sentence...im not a big fan of long posts...

bro ecks is right...you wont gain shit off of 2500 cals...dam bro double that shit!!!

I dont want to be a mass monster though bro i like my physique thats why although i eat tons 5-6 meals i keep my calorie intake low.

not worried about doin tons of cycles i dont have an addictive personality or a reliable source LOL Sorry bout the long post bro LOL
I you doubled your calories and stay natural I'm sure you would gain some decent weight before hopping on gear.

when im on high calorie diets my body fat always rises i was 8% bf @ 15 stones ate a trained up to 16 stones and my body fat has risen 6-7 % plus im 26 dude ive done everything to shock my body into growth EVERYTHING ive hit a sticking point.
I dont want to be a mass monster though bro i like my physique thats why although i eat tons 5-6 meals i keep my calorie intake low.

not worried about doin tons of cycles i dont have an addictive personality or a reliable source LOL Sorry bout the long post bro LOL

Well a test only cycle would be great than
Wow sounds like you got it all plained out.
There's only one thing, I would start hcg befor my last inj.like week 10
Also its been a few years since iv used susn. But it worked great not only for me but a good friend of mine as well, I don't see the need to run more deca with it(mabe I'm wrong)for what your wanting I belive d-bol and susn is going to get you there with no prob.
Looks good I like to see the outcome of this keep us posted