d-bol only (your thoughts on this)


New member
Hello all first i wanted to say this is a great site and second i was wandering about my first cycle
Im 23 years old 6'2 205 lbs about 12 body fat im not big on needles and i know everyone recomends test as a first cycle but i was thinking of d-bol in the 10 mg pink pills thats about all i could come by in my area i work out between 5-6 days a week and have been on and off for the last 6-7 years only thing being i weighed 285 lbs about 4 years ago. My ques is will this be a good first cycle and what is the dosage i should take my guess is around three tabs or 30 mg a day i can get 120 pills for 80 dollars so thats around 5-6 weeks is that enough for a cycle? Or i can get the 25 mg tabs white i think but like i said this is my first cycle those are a buck a piece.Also what should i notice off d-bol as a first cycle in (gains)Also will the results last?And about gyno can that happen even when taking small dosses like 30 mg a day if so how would i know i was getting this so i could stop? Well like i said this would be my first cycle and any help would be thanked. Also has any one taken water pills to help with the bloating from taking d-bol. And last but not least what should i take as an anti-estrogen (if clomid) how much ?a week ?Later
gymguy said:
Hello all first i wanted to say this is a great site and second i was wandering about my first cycle
Im 23 years old 6'2 205 lbs about 12 body fat im not big on needles and i know everyone recomends test as a first cycle but i was thinking of d-bol in the 10 mg pink pills thats about all i could come by in my area i work out between 5-6 days a week and have been on and off for the last 6-7 years only thing being i weighed 285 lbs about 4 years ago. My ques is will this be a good first cycle and what is the dosage i should take my guess is around three tabs or 30 mg a day i can get 120 pills for 80 dollars so thats around 5-6 weeks is that enough for a cycle? Or i can get the 25 mg tabs white i think but like i said this is my first cycle those are a buck a piece.Also what should i notice off d-bol as a first cycle in (gains)Also will the results last?And about gyno can that happen even when taking small dosses like 30 mg a day if so how would i know i was getting this so i could stop? Well like i said this would be my first cycle and any help would be thanked. Also has any one taken water pills to help with the bloating from taking d-bol. And last but not least what should i take as an anti-estrogen (if clomid) how much ?a week ?Later

Breathe man breathe! You really should stick around and read a lot more before starting any cycle IMO.
Thats a lot of questions, which isn't unusual for someone new.
Read the steroid profiles.
Do searches on dbol ( there are many posts on dbol only cycles ).
Search read about anti e's and PCT.
Was all that weight loss you described fat loss or did you get sick.
Good luck!
you do realize that an oral cycle is alot harder on your liver than injecting, right? it took me a LOOONG time to get comfortable with the idea of injecting bro. like a couple of years. i just kept reading and searching and saying fuck that, im not going to inject. i think everyone here was nervous the first time they injected. it took me almost an hour to get the needle in the first time i injected. i was shaking and sweating like a fuckin whore in church until i got the needle in and realized it wasnt that hard at all. then i felt really stupid for being such a bitch. after that it was a snap. you get used to it very quickly and i now consider myself very proficient in various injection sites. if you are serious about gear then you are going to have to inject eventually, the alternative is to kiss your liver and overall health goodbye bro. also, it is very hard to keep gains from d-bol. most of it is water weight so you will feel unhappy once you see all that weight that you thought was muscle go away. seriously there are alot of sites that go into detail about proper injection technique. hers just one. http://www.spotinjections.com/
if you do a search you will find much more detailed sites on the net that show diagrams of all the major injection sites showing exactly where the nerves and arteries run so you can avoid those areas. its very easy once you do it a couple of hundred times. just kidding, after 10 shots or so you will become pretty proficient. just remember to always do everything by the book. and always aspirate.
Well the weight loss was due to me being tired of being a fat ass lol, no really i lost about 70 lbs in the first 3 months (combination of low carbs and starvation) i was depressed.Bad thing about this is that even when i was big i had muscle i always lifted and played football in school when i lost the weight after school i lost alot of muscle and now its really hard to gain it back (im a hard gainer) and about d-bol being hard on the liver i know this and i dont plan onduing this often eventually i would like to start injecting like i said this would be my first cycle so i wanted something easy to start with thats out of the system fast but thanks to everyone that replied. later
well, you say you would like to start injecting eventually...why not make that eventuality right now? if you're going to do it anyways, now is as good a time.
test propionate is out of the system fast, although you may not feel comfortable injecting every other day. im not trying to beat a dead horse bro, just trying to lay out some choices. if youre dead set on d-bol then go for it. it will be a good learning experience and in the end it may propel you to take the next step and inject once you see for yourself what everyone is trying to tell you.

just make sure your diet and training is dead on when you start your cycle. it will make all the difference.
30mg is more than enough for gyno problems. Definatly get some nolva and post cycle therapy (pct). You might lose a good deal of your gains depending on how much water you put on. Do more research also.
If you're not ready for needles than your not ready for steroids. That is not intended as a flame either. I would not bother with a dbol only cycle, throw some test in there.
well seems like everyone is telling me the same thing.i really dont want alot of water retention and dont want to lose all my gains.My goal is to put on weight with as little fat as possable.So i think i need to do more research and look into injectables.Like i said guys this will be my first cycle so what is a good first cycle to try?????Something with little sides i hope(really dont want bitch tits...lol)And i dont really want to stack on my first cycle so your thought on this will be much thanked. later guys
gymguy said:
well Like i said guys this will be my first cycle so what is a good first cycle to try?????Something with little sides i hope(really dont want bitch tits...lol)And i dont really want to stack on my first cycle so your thought on this will be much thanked. later guys

Man like its been stated over and over, test only for a first cycle at 400-500mg/wk for 10 weeks.
Gym guy I injected for the first time a week ago....and it doesn't hurt at all. I was so shocked....You should go for it. Nobody likes to do it for the first time, but everyone that has done it will probably tell you it was no big deal.
Ok Ok i know i need to do more research on everything esp. test and i know not to ask were to get it from but just wandering the average going price for a 8-10 week cycle Also how often do you have to inject test and what should i take as an anti estrogen with test tahnbk for the input
Price varies depending on what you buy....UG stuff is cheaper then say Nile Sustanon (sust). It also depends on how much you inject as too how much you'll need to buy. How often you inject mostly depends on the ester attached to your test. Nolvadex is a good anti estrogen.