DAA Suppementation

I've used several forums of DAA, and had no sides yet. However bare in mind we all react differently. It's always good to have a form of post cycle therapy (pct) or Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand. Pes Erase, and Formeron on two of the best selling and effective ones. If you get a chance try out PP's TCF-1 or Ahtletix Formula x. Both taste good and are not high on price. Orbitnutrition carries both of them. I used TCF-1 in a stack and got some nice increases in strength! Good luck!
I've noticed since I'm sensitive to estro sides, I do get gyno flare ups on this stuff. I have to take an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) with it. I mainly use it for post cycle therapy (pct) tho.
Stacking DAA with something like Endosurge and maybe Erase would cover all your bases: All 3 raise test levels, Endosurge will ablate prolactin issues and Erase will keep estrogen in check. It's a fantastic natural stack that's been gaining popularity on other boards. Also a very solid option for OTC post cycle therapy (pct) after a light cycle.
The new Atletix Aromatase inhibitor (AI) is getting raved reviews, and Atletix has always been good on both quality and their pricing. Orbit carries them as well.