Daily Protein Intake in one sitting???


Chief SmackaHoe
I was talking to a friend today and he told me that your body can only digest/process about 25 grams of protein in one sitting (over 1-2 hours)...and that anything over this amount is wasted and pissed out, is he right???

cus if he is, then ive been wasting a lot of protein...
60g is a bit much jynx.

It really does depend on the person, but I believe that it leans closer to 40-50g for the average person.
Look at the definition of "sitting." 1-2 hours? What can you possibly eat that is digested in 1-2 hours? Whey? If you eat meat, it will take 8 hours or so to digest it. So meat can't fall into the "sitting" definition and doesn't apply.

Furthermore, what is the definition of "utilize"? Does that mean utilize ALL of it? Or does efficiency of utilization derease above that amount? For example, vitamin C uptake might be 200mg when you tak 300mg, and 300mg when you take 500mg.

What protein is being used? Why only 1-2 hours? Protein takes a long time to digest, aside from whey and isolated aminos.

It makes absolutely no sense that your body can only use that much, because I guarantee you that humans throughout their evolution would have required that this number to be FALSE.
i think he was referring to whey shakes or other protein shakes. That tripeling or 4X the serving size (1 scoop to 5 scoops) was a waste of protein. That in this one "sitting" you were wasting (pissing) the protein away cus if you shake is 30 grams per serving and you up it to 120 grams, your body cant process/utilize all of it and will piss out the unused 'protein.
I also find it difficult to believe that a 130 lb guy utilizes the same amount of protein as a 280 lb guy.

To me the number just sounds like BS because there are too many factors to come up with ONE exact number.
I take in about 80g's per shake 4-5 times a day. That 25g max is old school BS. It all depends on the type of protein, how much food is in your gut to begin with, how much fiber you've had, how much water, etc....
Frosty is right. Only whey gets in your system that quickly, where you really can measure how much in how much time. Pre or Post Workout, I usually stick to around 40g or so, because my body will be digesting and utilizing it quickly.

Meals with meat, chicken, fish, eggs, milk, blended protein powders are
all broken down over time, so you are keeping your system flooded with aminos all the time, which is the goal.

How much you can handle is totally individual, and mostly measurable by the amount of muscle mass one has. I always tell people to keep precise measures of carbs/fats, and then up protein intake daily until they reach the point of starting to put on bodyfat, and that is what their system can handle. Of course to get bigger, you can increase intensity of workouts, add cardio etc., which will allow your body to handle more calories from protein.

I don't see any problem with big dudes (230-240+) handling between 4-600 grams of protein per day to grow.
I have this argument w/my friend all the time. He is an avid believer that you can ONLY take in 30g MAX at any time. I like to believe that our bodies are adaptable - meaning that if you increase your 'per meal' consumption VERY slowly, like 5-10g a year, your body WILL adapt and digest more as time goes by. I refuse to believe that there is a permanent physiological ceiling for the max number of protein grams you can digest at any one time. The human body is ridiculously adaptable, that's not to say however you can go from just starting to use mrps or shakes at 30g a pop to 65g overnight and expect the same digestion efficiency.

But think about it this way for example, people use a bump in protein to blast through plateaus - if someone is taking in 150g a day - thats 30g for 5 meals on avg. If that same person doubles that to 300g a day, he doesn't now eat 10 meals does he(?) - not likely Maybe 6 or 7 which would still raise the avg by at least 10g. If he makes gains and busts through the plateau, which happens on MOST occassions that would mean his body had to do SOMETHING w/all that extra protein.

Sorry for the babble, just food for thought :)
too many variables here to make a final number. I drink 3 shakes per day normally that are 100g each. one of those i add 150g of carbs post workout. at 310lbs i need more protein than the average person and also because of the weight i am moving. you can tell when you body is not absorbing the protein by watching your stools and also urine frequency. excess protein is passed not stored. when i reach my threshold of absorbancy (you guys ike that phrase) my stools become tar like and smell burnt. it is better to get all you can from food but at 600g/d it is hard for me to eat that much food. one of my favorites is a wendy's triple with cheese. 75g of pro. not bad. a 16 oz steak is about 115g.

30g per sitting, yeah maybe if you are a second grader.

lets see some studies on this topic guys. opinions and what you heard dont count.

one more note. the type of protein makes a difference as well. i prefer whey isolate.
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When you piss out protein, does the uring have a color? Because I know after my PWO shake(90g protein) I piss like every 5 minutes, but its all clear. Maybe its just because I drink like 2 liters of water PWO.
they say 30 grams but its not proven. Im taking in a little over 300g of protien ED. If people were to take it 30g of protien a meal therer would not be any 300lb guys who are muscular. IMO the more developed you are muscularly the more protien your body can use. Obviously someone who weighs 275 is going to digest more protien than someone who wieghs 130.
there are supps and drugs that aid in protein uptake. most Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) do this as well.
Die$eL~Man said:
no way... depending on the size of the person... 27 to 35 grams

and where do you get your info from desel? i have never seen that printed in a report for athletes. i know a guy on another forum that injests 1kilo/d pro during bulking cycles.
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pullinbig said:
and where do you get your info from desel? i have never seen that printed in a report for athletes. i know a guy on another forum that injests 1kilo/d pro during bulking cycles.

Well, that's not to say that he digests all of the protein.

But I would like to see these studies so we can tear it apart.... :D