DAMMIT! Need some help guys


New member
hey guys, today i converted my test suspension to oil at 100mg/ml. everything went fine until the dam thing crashed 4 hours later. The funny thing is that 4 of the vials are fine but the other 6 crashed. i used 7ml BA and 16ml BB along with 10g powder and 67ml oil. Mr T recomended super solvent, but he said it should work with those ammounts of bb and ba. I have 2 questions....
1. How can i get this to become stable again?
2. If i re-heat it and it dissolves would it be ok to use before it crashes or is that a bad idea.

Any help would be great, thanks guys.
did it go to suspension or stay in solution? when you say crashes, what exactly did it do? and yes if it crashes you can heat til it clears and fire away, doesnt hurt anything. as a matter of fact i heat everything that is in oil before administratioan as this helps it to flow better with less knots and discomfort, if that is a problem. let me know about pain factor as well. thanks
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Heat it till it goes back into solution.........if it continues to crash, add a little bit of BB to it. It should stay in solution with the amount of solvent you used.
pullinbig said:
did it go to suspension or stay in solution? when you say crashes, what exactly did it do? and yes if it crashes you can heat til it clears and fire away, doesnt hurt anything. as a matter of fact i heat everything that is in oil before administratioan as this helps it to flow better with less knots and discomfort, if that is a problem. let me know about pain factor as well. thanks

when i say crashes i mean it becomes gel like and doesn't look like their is oil in it at all, but when i heat it, it goes back to solution and looks like it is fine. Then a few hours later it begins to turin into a gel again. Where did i go worng?
one thing about conversions is that it aint exact science. sometimes you have to improvise a bit. look at Mr. T's suggestion and give it a try. or if you gonna do it all you self just heat everytime and it is good to go.