Damn it PSL guys, y'all forced my hand in this.

Pin #2 last night. Smooth once again! Dbol is gonna kick in any day now. I'm excited for my first experience with dbol! So tired of losing strength during my summer cut time to beast it up!
Ill post the before and after I wrap up the whole cycle and again after post cycle therapy (pct). might do some in between if I get the time.
So I finally gave in and started my early Christmas present from PSL a few weeks early. It looked so good sitting on my mantle that I just had to start it! Cycle consists of:

500mg of Test E split 250mg M/Th for 14 weeks.
50mg dbol ED split 30mg pre workout 20 at bedtime for 6 weeks.
.25 Adex e3d to make it easy I take it on pin days (M/Th)
T3 100mcg week 6-14

Clomid: 50/50/50/50
Nolva: 40/20/20/20
Cialis: on hand ;p got to keep the wife satisfied on or off cycle.

Starting stats:
24 y/o
15-16% bf
Second cycle. (First was a simple test only starter)

Gotta say that the pack from PSL is amazing. Pinned quad for the first time ever and didn't feel a thing! Previous lab I used burned a tad bit but the PSL oil is so smooth I barely had to draw an it flowed so nice! Same thing with pinning it, flowed so smooth I thought I was pinning something water based.

Keep posted for bloods at around week 6.

I know this is a simple cycle but if anyone is interested I will log down my experience with this cycle. Just let me know if there is any interest in it, maybe it will help some of the newer guys on here get an idea of what to expect.

Sounds great, but that is far too little A-dex. You are only administering 1/4 of a mg every 3 days! That is almost nothing. 500 mg of test will elevate estrogen substantially and you will need a minimum of 1/2 mg EOD to keep estrogen levels normalized. Many guys will need at least 1/2 mg daily to maintain a normal estrogen level at that dose of test. Too many guys think that they only need to take miniscule amount of a-dex to get the job done. They are wrong.

One fairly recent study, which used men as the test subjects (most studies on AI's involve women) showed that men are not as sensitize to the effects of AI's as women are. The male test subjects used no AAS...they had only their natural testosterone production to contend with. The results of the study showed that when using 1 mg of A-dex every day, estrogen levels were reduced by about 47%. When using Letro at 2 mg daily, it was about 60%...and with 50 mg of Aromasin daily, it was about 60% as well.

Obviously, men do not respond the same as women. The point here is that you should increase your dose of A-dex to no less than 1/2 mg EOD.
Sounds great, but that is far too little A-dex. You are only administering 1/4 of a mg every 3 days! That is almost nothing. 500 mg of test will elevate estrogen substantially and you will need a minimum of 1/2 mg EOD to keep estrogen levels normalized. Many guys will need at least 1/2 mg daily to maintain a normal estrogen level at that dose of test. Too many guys think that they only need to take miniscule amount of a-dex to get the job done. They are wrong.

One fairly recent study, which used men as the test subjects (most studies on AI's involve women) showed that men are not as sensitize to the effects of AI's as women are. The male test subjects used no AAS...they had only their natural testosterone production to contend with. The results of the study showed that when using 1 mg of A-dex every day, estrogen levels were reduced by about 47%. When using Letro at 2 mg daily, it was about 60%...and with 50 mg of Aromasin daily, it was about 60% as well.

Obviously, men do not respond the same as women. The point here is that you should increase your dose of A-dex to no less than 1/2 mg EOD.

The full texts are available free to those who wish to read the studies. I'm not sure if these are the ones you're referring to Mike but I thought they illustrated your point.

AuthorsT'Sjoen GG, et al. Show all Journal
J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2005 Oct;90(10):5717-22. Epub 2005 Jul 26.
Department of Endocrinology, Ghent University Hospital, De Pintelaan 185, 9000 Ghent, Belgium. guy.tsjoen@ugent.be
CONTEXT: Aging in men is associated with a decline in serum testosterone (T) levels.

OBJECTIVE: Our objective was to assess whether decreased T in aging might result from increased estradiol (E2) negative feedback on gonadotropin secretion.

DESIGN AND SETTING: We conducted a comparative intervention study (2004) in the Outpatient Endocrinology Clinic, Ghent University Hospital.

PARTICIPANTS: Participants included healthy young and elderly men (n = 10 vs. 10).

INTERVENTIONS: We used placebo and letrozole (2.5 mg/d) for 28 d, separated by 2 wk washout.

MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: We assessed changes in serum levels of free E2, LH, and FSH, free T, SHBG, and gonadotropins response to an i.v. 2.5-microg GnRH bolus.

RESULTS: As assessed after 28 d of treatment, letrozole lowered E2 by 46% in the young men (P = 0.002) and 62% in the elderly men (P < 0.001). In both age groups, letrozole, but not placebo, significantly increased LH levels (339 and 323% in the young and the elderly, respectively) and T (146 and 99%, respectively) (P value of young vs. elderly was not significant). Under letrozole, peak LH response to GnRH was 152 and 52% increase from baseline in young and older men, respectively (P = 0.01).

CONCLUSIONS: Aromatase inhibition markedly increased basal LH and T levels and the LH response to GnRH in both young and elderly men. The observation of similar to greater LH responses in the young compared with the elderly does not support the hypothesis that increased restraining of LH secretion by endogenous estrogens is instrumental in age-related decline of Leydig cell function.

PMID 16046582

Comparative assessment in young and eld - PubMed Mobile

AuthorsMauras N, et al. Show all Journal
J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2000 Jul;85(7):2370-7.
Nemours Research Programs at the Nemours Children's Clinic, Jacksonville, Florida 32207, USA. nmauras@nemours.org
Comment in
J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2001 Apr;86(4):1836-8.
We have shown that testosterone (T) deficiency per se is associated with marked catabolic effects on protein, calcium metabolism, and body composition in men independent of changes in GH or insulin-like growth factor I production. It is not clear,,however, whether estrogens have a major role in whole body anabolism in males. We investigated the metabolic effects of selective estrogen suppression in the male using a potent aromatase inhibitor, Arimidex (Anastrozole). First, a dose-response study of 12 males (mean age, 16.1 +/- 0.3 yr) was conducted, and blood withdrawn at baseline and after 10 days of oral Arimidex given as two different doses (either 0.5 or 1 mg) in random order with a 14-day washout in between. A sensitive estradiol (E2) assay showed an approximately 50% decrease in E2 concentrations with either of the two doses; hence, a 1-mg dose was selected for other studies. Subsequently, eight males (aged 15-22 yr; four adults and four late pubertal) had isotopic infusions of [(13)C]leucine and (42)Ca/(44)Ca, indirect calorimetry, dual energy x-ray absorptiometry, isokinetic dynamometry, and growth factors measurements performed before and after 10 weeks of daily doses of Arimidex. Contrary to the effects of T withdrawal, there were no significant changes in body composition (body mass index, fat mass, and fat-free mass) after estrogen suppression or in rates of protein synthesis or degradation; carbohydrate, lipid, or protein oxidation; muscle strength; calcium kinetics; or bone growth factors concentrations. However, E2 concentrations decreased 48% (P = 0.006), with no significant change in mean and peak GH concentrations, but with an 18% decrease in plasma insulin-like growth factor I concentrations. There was a 58% increase in serum T (P = 0.0001), sex hormone-binding globulin did not change, whereas LH and FSH concentrations increased (P < 0.02, both). Serum bone markers, osteocalcin and bone alkaline phosphatase concentrations, and rates of bone calcium deposition and resorption did not change. In conclusion, these data suggest that in the male 1) estrogens do not contribute significantly to the changes in body composition and protein synthesis observed with changing androgen levels; 2) estrogen is a main regulator of the gonadal-pituitary feedback for the gonadotropin axis; and 3) this level of aromatase inhibition does not negatively impact either kinetically measured rates of bone calcium turnover or indirect markers of bone calcium turnover, at least in the short term. Further studies will provide valuable information on whether timed aromatase inhibition can be useful in increasing the height potential of pubertal boys with profound growth retardation without the confounding negative effects of gonadal androgen suppression.

PMID 10902781

Estrogen suppression in males: metaboli - PubMed Mobile
Sounds great, but that is far too little A-dex. You are only administering 1/4 of a mg every 3 days! That is almost nothing. 500 mg of test will elevate estrogen substantially and you will need a minimum of 1/2 mg EOD to keep estrogen levels normalized. Many guys will need at least 1/2 mg daily to maintain a normal estrogen level at that dose of test. Too many guys think that they only need to take miniscule amount of a-dex to get the job done. They are wrong.

One fairly recent study, which used men as the test subjects (most studies on AI's involve women) showed that men are not as sensitize to the effects of AI's as women are. The male test subjects used no AAS...they had only their natural testosterone production to contend with. The results of the study showed that when using 1 mg of A-dex every day, estrogen levels were reduced by about 47%. When using Letro at 2 mg daily, it was about 60%...and with 50 mg of Aromasin daily, it was about 60% as well.

Obviously, men do not respond the same as women. The point here is that you should increase your dose of A-dex to no less than 1/2 mg EOD.
Point taken. Thank you Mike, I value your advice.
Hope you like dbol man, i took it for two weeks and i blew up like a baloon! i didnt like it. :/ but you might! gl dog!
Haha anytime I need a medical journal I know I can count on you buddy.

Lol, pubmed can be quite fun to scour around and research interesting studies but those two are courtesy of Heavyiron himself. I cannot take the credit except for remembering he posted them a while back and being able to dig them up. I am excited to see how this cycle of yours turns out brother!

Is that your pic in the avi?
Sounds great, but that is far too little A-dex. You are only administering 1/4 of a mg every 3 days! That is almost nothing. 500 mg of test will elevate estrogen substantially and you will need a minimum of 1/2 mg EOD to keep estrogen levels normalized. Many guys will need at least 1/2 mg daily to maintain a normal estrogen level at that dose of test. Too many guys think that they only need to take miniscule amount of a-dex to get the job done. They are wrong.
One fairly recent study, which used men as the test subjects (most studies on AI's involve women) showed that men are not as sensitize to the effects of AI's as women are. The male test subjects used no AAS...they had only their natural testosterone production to contend with. The results of the study showed that when using 1 mg of A-dex every day, estrogen levels were reduced by about 47%. When using Letro at 2 mg daily, it was about 60%...and with 50 mg of Aromasin daily, it was about 60% as well.

Obviously, men do not respond the same as women. The point here is that you should increase your dose of A-dex to no less than 1/2 mg EOD.

Very interesting, def gonna bump my dosage up
So I finally gave in and started my early Christmas present from PSL a few weeks early. It looked so good sitting on my mantle that I just had to start it! Cycle consists of:

500mg of Test E split 250mg M/Th for 14 weeks.
50mg dbol ED split 30mg pre workout 20 at bedtime for 6 weeks.
.25 Adex e3d to make it easy I take it on pin days (M/Th)
T3 100mcg week 6-14

Clomid: 50/50/50/50
Nolva: 40/20/20/20
Cialis: on hand ;p got to keep the wife satisfied on or off cycle.

Starting stats:
24 y/o
15-16% bf
Second cycle. (First was a simple test only starter)

Gotta say that the pack from PSL is amazing. Pinned quad for the first time ever and didn't feel a thing! Previous lab I used burned a tad bit but the PSL oil is so smooth I barely had to draw an it flowed so nice! Same thing with pinning it, flowed so smooth I thought I was pinning something water based.

Keep posted for bloods at around week 6.

I know this is a simple cycle but if anyone is interested I will log down my experience with this cycle. Just let me know if there is any interest in it, maybe it will help some of the newer guys on here get an idea of what to expect.

Almost exactly like my cycle, except I'm doing sus eod and so far I've done two injections in my delts and pain free which is awesome, definitely following yours too
Hope you like dbol man, i took it for two weeks and i blew up like a baloon! i didnt like it. :/ but you might! gl dog!

Why didn't you like it much?
So far I'm liking the mild str gain I'm getting from it but I have a feeling that any day now it is going to come kick me out of no where.
Lol, pubmed can be quite fun to scour around and research interesting studies but those two are courtesy of Heavyiron himself. I cannot take the credit except for remembering he posted them a while back and being able to dig them up. I am excited to see how this cycle of yours turns out brother!

Is that your pic in the avi?

Gotta love PubMed! Thanks for bringing those studies up. I always listen to what most vets say but when backed with science it would be foolish to not follow.

Yea the pic in there is me. Was a tad bit fat at the time. That was coming off of last winters bulk.
Gotta love PubMed! Thanks for bringing those studies up. I always listen to what most vets say but when backed with science it would be foolish to not follow.

Yea the pic in there is me. Was a tad bit fat at the time. That was coming off of last winters bulk.

Science when backed with empirical and anecdotal evidence is quite the force to contend with. And I think you and I are looking at 2 different pics, I'm talking about the off-roading red Jeep coming down a hill. If that's a pic of your jeep brother I'm envious, haven't been out on any trails since my buddy's Jeep got totaled by a drunk driver.
Ah yea that's my daily driver. It's a 2000 Cherokee with a tiny lift. Wife and I have an 06 TJ built up on 35's, locked, armored, etc. we only use it on big boy trails. View attachment 553268View attachment 553269

Sorry to hear bout your buddy's rig. I hope he came out of it ok.

Hahaha, that pic with your wife washing it is priceless. When the woman gets involved in it too you know you found the one!!! The TJ is a beauty. He came out of it with a broken rib, busted nose, and some scrapes and bruises, relatively fine compared to the Jeep. If you look at the vehicle and at him you'd know it quite literally saved his ass. Stay safe on those trails buddy but have fun! :D