Day 1-sust/deca 12.5 week cycle


New member
First cycle was last fall, it was all over the place. Since then I've been studying constantly, perfecting my workout routines and learning proper diet protocols(thanks in large to the 3J sticky).
I have just begun tonight my "final" cycle.
1.6cc Sustanon (sust) 250/week, weeks 1-12.5, Nandrolone Deca 300, 1cc/week, weeks 1-10. Pinning every Tuesday evening and Saturday morning.
Supplements include;
Liv 52
N.O. Explode
Protein powders
Multi vitamins

Stats: 6'0" 218lbs 17%bf 35 years old
2nd full cycle.
First cycle was a cluster fuck of Sust/Deca/EQ at varying dosages.

I will be starting a pic progress thread tomorrow for all of the "R-Gay's" of 'ology.:bootyshak
I've decided to hold off for a little while on the pic thread, I figure it'll be better if I have several weeks of pics for comparison.

I'm really looking forward to the progress I'm going to make, considering my diet, workout and post cycle therapy (pct) are all lined up properly from the beginning this time.
It won't be a waste running it for 10 weeks though. The pics should be a good indication of how well I do I guess.
it may not be a waste, but you will only be growing for 4 weeks. as soon as your body goes anabolic you will be coming off. you need to extend that cycle or you will be missing a ton of growth. i personally would run it 16-20 weeks.
True. I'll have to re-think the duration of the cycle,...
As for HCG, I didn't use it before, and my nuts came back bigger and better than every during my PCT. I'm not prone to gyno, but I've read about Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) being "gyno in a bottle", so I opted against it.
True. I'll have to re-think the duration of the cycle,...
As for HCG, I didn't use it before, and my nuts came back bigger and better than every during my PCT. I'm not prone to gyno, but I've read about Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) being "gyno in a bottle", so I opted against it.

I also prefer 16 weeks of deca and 18 weeks of test...

as far as hcg...everyone thinks its to keep your nuts big...thats not what its for...its to keep your body from shutting completely makes your body produce natural test while shut down which is huge in maintaining gains...also if your on an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) it will take care of the estro issues
Thanks to everybody for their replies.
Luckily I have very good source close to home, so I'm going to continue with my same routine with the intention of running 18 weeks Sustanon (sust) 16 weeks Deca, and gauge my progress after 8 weeks.
Thanks again.
Good luck with your cycle. I have very similar stats to yours and was looking a similar cycle in a few months. Looking forward to the pics to see the progress you make.
hey OP your first post is hard for me to read. gotta lay your weekly doses out for me, I read to many threads to have to put in that much work, sounds like these guys got you covered.

You ask if you needed HCG, you mentioned you did a cycle before and recovered just fine.

That doesnt mean it was an effective PCT. just because someone recovers fine from a certain way of doing doesnt mean they couldn't have done much better. You may heav kept more of your gains or who knows there is a million reasons to always try and perfect your PCT. IMO Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is a MUST for anyone even looking at 19-nors.
hey OP your first post is hard for me to read. gotta lay your weekly doses out for me, I read to many threads to have to put in that much work, sounds like these guys got you covered.

You ask if you needed HCG, you mentioned you did a cycle before and recovered just fine.

That doesnt mean it was an effective PCT. just because someone recovers fine from a certain way of doing doesnt mean they couldn't have done much better. You may heav kept more of your gains or who knows there is a million reasons to always try and perfect your PCT. IMO Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is a MUST for anyone even looking at 19-nors.

My original cycle was as such:
Weeks 1-12 400mg Sust
Weeks 1-10 300mg Deca

PCT is Clomid 50/50/50/50

My first cycle took me from 242lbs and 30% bf to 215lbs 15% bf,..I had an injury and slacked on my diet so I gained few pounds of fat, but since I've gotten my diet back on track I've already dropped a few(no more beer:sulk:).
i personally think deca has little effect @ 300mg. you def need Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) with that cycle, and IMO you need to run deca for 12 weeks, just as the others have already stated.
i personally think deca has little effect @ 300mg. you def need Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) with that cycle, and IMO you need to run deca for 12 weeks, just as the others have already stated.

I'm able to get HCG, so I'll get on that.
Will the difference be that substantial though between a 10 and 12 week Deca cycle?, or is it that seeing as I've opted for a lower dosage I'll need to run it longer?

I'm not looking to run a high dosage though, I'm a mesomorph, and am pretty broad to begin with, and I'm not looking to compete as a BB at any level, so being fit and proportionate and strong are my ultimate goals,..that and being under 10% bf weighing 220lbs @ 6'0".
if 300mg works for you thats fine, I was not impressed though. I dont get huge pumps and that insane sweat from deca that can keep you in the gym for longer than usual, until week 8. thats why I say no less than 12.

besides your body needs a lil time to acclimate to the new gains.