Dbol & Anadrol in same cycle?


Bench double your weight?

500mg Test E
400mg Deca
50mg dbol
15mg arimidex EOD

2nd cycle

Im about 6 weeks in and finished the 50mg dbol for the 1st 4 weeks. Ive been taking milk thistle and saw palmetto the entire cycle. My question is... since the dbol is finished could I take a low dose of anadrol for 4 weeks? Would this be too risky for my liver? Any help would be great.
The only way you'll find out is through bloodwork. Some people have iron livers, others shit themselves looking at a bottle of dbol. Dbol and Anadrol do run synergistically though.
As long as you don't have any liver issues then you should be fine. Keep in mind Oxymethylone is prescribed for 6-12 weeks at a time.