How old are you? That is a very interesting combination of lifts to offer as indicators of strength...what are your squat and deadlift like?[/QUOTE]
For Sure! a legit Suat and a Deadlift will do more for your upper body than a bench or shrug ever could, imo of course.
Age a definite important consideration for a 1st cycle especially if you are planning the infamous one and done.
Your body is a living breathing organism. Even if you could "buy" 10-15lbs of muscle through a Dbol cycle, keeping it for more than 90 days, or even a year, is the true challenge.
If your'e starting to get up there in age, I'd recommend looking into some Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) instead of the one and done. You don't have to be a gear genius. Stick to test base and use appropriate pct and or dct (during cycle), and youll change your life.
good luck man.