Dbol doage


New member
I have 3 cycles under my belt and am currently on my 4th. All have contained test and various other injectable compounds. For my next cycle I want to try an oral (Dbol). I plan to use test also, but am open to suggestions for others. The goal is mass, no cutting. What is a good doage for Dbol...please make a recommendation for the dosage of the other compunds you would stake with Dbol also.
The Terminator said:
I like the long acting esters (cyp and enanthate). They are cheap are very prevelant. (and I only have to inject them twice a week)
big bump on enanthate, i usually do 35mg of dbol ED while on a cycle, how much do you weigh bro?
The Terminator said:
I like the long acting esters (cyp and enanthate). They are cheap are very prevelant. (and I only have to inject them twice a week)

What doasge of the cyp or eth would you reccomend for an 8 week cycle?
dallasskyline said:
What doasge of the cyp or eth would you reccomend for an 8 week cycle?

It would depend on what your previous cycles looked like. And also where you are at as far as genetic potential is concerned. If your last cycle was 1,200 mg/week and you are now 40 lbs. over your genetic ceiling then going to 500 mg/week won't do you much good....
The Terminator said:
It would depend on what your previous cycles looked like. And also where you are at as far as genetic potential is concerned. If your last cycle was 1,200 mg/week and you are now 40 lbs. over your genetic ceiling then going to 500 mg/week won't do you much good....

The highest I have run with test is 750mg/wk with Sustanon (sust). I did not need to go above 500mg/wk though. I am 6'3 215 w/ 12 % bf. I have not reached a ceiling yet, as far as body weight is concerned. I will be in the 225 -230 range after this cycle ends. By the end of the year I would like to be around 230 lbs, but 10 %bf. I usualy lose about 1/3 of the weight I out on, but am able to keep the majority of the strebght gains...this realy helps when it is time to cut.
bigjay00 said:
it's okay, we were all ther :p 30mg dbol will be good then

:laugh4: Actually I am really contempt with where I am at. Perhaps it's my contentment that keeps me from doing heavy cycles...(well that and I have other priorities that come before myself...)
if it makes you feel better im only about 200 @ 10%bf, and im on my fourth cycle (granted my first two were cutting cycles)
bigjay00 said:
i did not want to reply on here and take this thread off topic

Too late for that. But I think we gave him a good idea anyway...But you will see that I am synonymous with taking threads off course at times (but not until the question has been answered :) )
The Terminator said:
185 lbs. @ 8% bf. Not as big as some of them monsters on here...:D
thats ok bro , most of the MONSTERS on here arent as big as they say they are :D as far as the original question take 1 , 5mg pill every 4 hours but take 2 at bedtime to make up for the one you will sleep through , this gives you 30 mg a day and a fairly consistent blood level
DADAWG said:
thats ok bro , most of the MONSTERS on here arent as big as they say they are :D as far as the original question take 1 , 5mg pill every 4 hours but take 2 at bedtime to make up for the one you will sleep through , this gives you 30 mg a day and a fairly consistent blood level

Thank you...timing was going to be my next question.
dallasskyline said:
Thank you...timing was going to be my next question.
you are welcome , the only time i dont space the dose evenly throughout the day is occasionally i will take a little extra before a max effort workout , but i think a lot of that is more for my head than my muscles :)