Dbol doage

DADAWG said:
you are welcome , the only time i dont space the dose evenly throughout the day is occasionally i will take a little extra before a max effort workout , but i think a lot of that is more for my head than my muscles :)

I am the same way with prop and winny...psycology (positive) will always make push a little harder.
i ran a sus and dbol at 30mg/d worked really well, i am now ona new cycle of 35mg/d results are comeing fast, go 30mg/d for 4-6 weeks bro
DADAWG said:
thats ok bro , most of the MONSTERS on here arent as big as they say they are :D

Yeah, I know. Everybody on the net is 5'9" 260 @9-10% bf....:rolleyes: . But you never see these guys post up pics (ok occasionally you do...i.e. gilly6993, but not often)
The Terminator said:
Yeah, I know. Everybody on the net is 5'9" 260 @9-10% bf....:rolleyes: . But you never see these guys post up pics (ok occasionally you do...i.e. gilly6993, but not often)
im about that height and even heavier than that but cant touch that bf:D
I prefer a lighter dossage 15mg, 10 before workout and 5 after to aid recovery and run alot longer (8 weeks). Allot less estro and bloat issues, but this is me...
Spectre said:
I prefer a lighter dossage 15mg, 10 before workout and 5 after to aid recovery and run alot longer (8 weeks). Allot less estro and bloat issues, but this is me...

What type of results do you get with that dosage? Do you have quite a few cycles under your belt also?