Dbol for competition pump


New member
Hey, does anyone have any input on using dbol the day of a competition for a good pump? My competition date is between cycles, but I look better with the pump of dbol. Would taking 50 mg the day of have a positive effect and not shut down my testosterone?
Lol is this a joke? Why would you be off cycle for a competition?

Also dbol doesn't give you a pump on this 1st day.

I'm pretty sure I just fed the troll. Oh well.
Um, this is not a troll. I am completely serious. I had two competitions a couple months apart, and I started my cycle weeks before my first competition, and I didn't want to be on cycle for more than 14 weeks.
If it doesn't give pump on first day, then thank you I appreciate that input. However I seem to recall it giving a pump right away when I started my cycle.
Um, this is not a troll. I am completely serious. I had two competitions a couple months apart, and I started my cycle weeks before my first competition, and I didn't want to be on cycle for more than 14 weeks.
If it doesn't give pump on first day, then thank you I appreciate that input. However I seem to recall it giving a pump right away when I started my cycle.

at what dosage did dbol give you a pump on first day? what else was in your cycle?
You definitely have to be a troll there's noone I have ever heard that gets a pump from using dbol for one day first off and the pump actually comes from the retention of water in your muscles that builds up over time of suing dbol. You want a good pump during competition get a good dietitian and have him make sure that your refeed is on point so you look full have a good pump and you don't retain water. That's why you do a refeed through out your cut at specific time periods to see how your body reacts to food and how long it takes for you to start retaining water. You have no clue what youre talking about.
Jeez guys I mean it could have been placebo, just saying that I thought I had a better pump right away. So you don't think it will be a good idea, Thank you.
at what dosage did dbol give you a pump on first day? what else was in your cycle?

Only 15 mg with 600 mg test E, but the test surly wasn't kicking in yet. It might not have been like a better "pump", but perhaps a feeling of unusual strength and I was just wondering if that could help me flex harder and hold poses longer, as well as maybe look fuller. I looked great on dbol, but not I'm just much flatter. I've actually gained 5 pounds(probably a bit of fat though) since I came off cycle 6 weeks ago, so I'm not actually smaller, just not as full, like pumped looking.
Seems like you are fishing for a "yes".

So, Yes, definitely go for it. Day of take some, what have you got to lose?

Though if you could swing it starting a few days earlier and bumping up that dose a bit might be helpful too.