DBOL g2g or bunk....Let me know what you think!


New member
so im 4 weeks into my cycle and ive been taking 50mg of dbol. 20mg in the am upon awakening and 30mg 45 mins before workout but i havent noticed any of the sides from it. like the insane pumps the euphoria and overall sense of well being. all i get is heartburn.... is my stuff bunk or is this normal? i plan to run it until week 6 then discontinue... any advice is welcome and appreciated greatly...
Uhhhhhhhhhhh... 50mg of dbol should have you chewing up 45lb plates like they're pancakes. Even more noticeable, if you're not on a proper AI dose - you'll look like the Michelin Man with a case of bacne.

I'm going with, "Lucy! You've got some 'splainin' to do!" with your source. ;)

My .02c :)
Ricardo s right SWI dbol was my go to instant gratis drug for it s quick to come on with respect to weight strength and a sense of well being not to mention moon pie face.
Hmmm. I never used Dbol but from what ive read (especially in here) 50mg ed is more than enough. Normally you would have noticed its effects, both good and bad. I think it could be fake.
could be bunk. but also i habe a feeling you are making a bunch of mistakes right now (correct me if im wrong) you are doing an oral only cycle, with no test base and no AI on cycle and no PCT planned, am i correct?

please read all the threads stuck uptop the aas section.
All badd bro gotta do more research next time on sources. I suggest for next time, cant post name but I'll give you a hint they now have colored orals. Bobybuilder skittles. Top notch. But I'm hoping as stated above your not doing a oral dbol only cycle
Doses of each would be helpful too.
That s 3 strong aas with the tren being super strong .
I m not sure running that much gear u d notice any more...MORE..of a pump or well being.
Personal statistics w relation to height weight bodyfat and how about a

That s a healthy heavy cycle I d like to see where ur at...not being a dick trying to help.

Heck I do tren too...50 mg m w f when I m breaking bad. What s your doses ?
Doses of each would be helpful too.
That s 3 strong aas with the tren being super strong .
I m not sure running that much gear u d notice any more...MORE..of a pump or well being.
Personal statistics w relation to height weight bodyfat and how about a

That s a healthy heavy cycle I d like to see where ur at...not being a dick trying to help.

Heck I do tren too...50 mg m w f when I m breaking bad. What s your doses ?

i would upload pics but my comp is a piece of shit...im about 15%bf i have abs so could be a bit lower not too sure sir.
All badd bro gotta do more research next time on sources. I suggest for next time, cant post name but I'll give you a hint they now have colored orals. Bobybuilder skittles. Top notch. But I'm hoping as stated above your not doing a oral dbol only cycle

theyre a sponsor on this site that everyone uses... im sure u can figure that out...i hope its not fake as my lifts have def gone up just not the euphoria and sense of well being etc... maybe i just dont get that side? who knows...
Uhhhhhhhhhhh... 50mg of dbol should have you chewing up 45lb plates like they're pancakes. Even more noticeable, if you're not on a proper AI dose - you'll look like the Michelin Man with a case of bacne.

I'm going with, "Lucy! You've got some 'splainin' to do!" with your source. ;)

My .02c :)
no michelin man here lol or moon face
theyre a sponsor on this site that everyone uses... im sure u can figure that out...i hope its not fake as my lifts have def gone up just not the euphoria and sense of well being etc... maybe i just dont get that side? who knows...

Dbol makes me grumpy, so it's definitely not a side to look for. Strength is certainly an indicator, but you're on a lot gear. Doses of test/deca/AI?
test 500mg
tren 50mg eod (might cut this out due to sides )
deca 500mg
.5mg adex eod

That's likely why you're not blowing up like a marshmallow. Your dose of AI appears to be adequate. I'd get a mid cycle blood test to be sure, but that's my take on it. :)