Be careful when and if you buy Russian D-bol like I did one time. It's very accurately counterfeited and has been losing it's reputation as a safe buy.
One thing that can't be disputed is D-bol gives you immediate and very strong anabolic effects. I think the shitty flu like feeling is party due to the fact it's an alpha alkylated 17 compound which is quite toxic to the liver. D-bol also aromatises a great deal, even on fairly low dosages. I did this cycle a couple of years ago and got good results:
week 1=100mg injection, 2 d-bol tabs/day (for a total of 4/day)
week 2=200mg injection, 3 d-bol tabs/day (for a total of 6/day)
week 3=300mg injection, 4 d-bol tabs/day (for a total of 8/day)
week 4=400mg injection, 5 d-bol tabs/day (for a total of 10/day)
week 5=400mg injection, 5 d-bol tabs/day (for a total of 10/day)
week 6=300mg injection, 4 d-bol tabs/day (for a total of 8/day)
week 7=200mg injection, 3 d-bol tabs/day (for a total of 6/day)
week 8=100mg injection, 2 d-bol tabs/day (for a total of 4/day)
week 9=2500iu HCG/week
week 10=2500iu HCG/week