dbol,sust 300 and winstrol cycle,need help with diet


New member

iam 32ys old, 200pd,16%bf been in the gym for bout 8 yrs off n on

i started dbol 20mg a day 3 weeks ago and have gained 8 pds so far and started test Sustanon (sust) 300 last week,will be pining twice a week 600mg and going to end the last 4 weeks with winstrol 50mg ed,got nolva on hand and cloid for pct and mite add Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) in my pct
my ? is,is this a nice cycle,i am wanted to add bout 20 pd of lean and cut a lil,so i dont want to eat too much but how much will i need to eat to grow,i dont want to waste money by not eating right,i belive i eat right but when i read out here and other blogs, i need help with my diet.
first few cycles was pro hormons the first real aas was test e by it self the test 275 and deca 300 and now the dbol,sust 300 and winstrol
clean but not enough everything is whole grain,chicken,turkey is the main meats,i add in some lean beef now n then,i gain weight realy easy if i dont watch out,i do mess up like ill eat a cup of dry honey nut cherios instead of of some nut or somthing,i know i need to eat like 4000 cal a day but it seems high,right now i get bout 2500,need a list of thing to snack onand a good meal plan,prob geting bout 200 grams of protine a day,i dring 2 protine shacks a day and take vitamins every day and liver care while on the dbol
im in the h-town brother!! southside!!

but other than the winnie seems g2g. id go check out the diet section though just to get an idea of how you should be eating. what is your pct?