iam 32ys old, 200pd,16%bf been in the gym for bout 8 yrs off n on
i started dbol 20mg a day 3 weeks ago and have gained 8 pds so far and started test Sustanon (sust) 300 last week,will be pining twice a week 600mg and going to end the last 4 weeks with winstrol 50mg ed,got nolva on hand and cloid for pct and mite add Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) in my pct
my ? is,is this a nice cycle,i am wanted to add bout 20 pd of lean and cut a lil,so i dont want to eat too much but how much will i need to eat to grow,i dont want to waste money by not eating right,i belive i eat right but when i read out here and other blogs, i need help with my diet.
iam 32ys old, 200pd,16%bf been in the gym for bout 8 yrs off n on
i started dbol 20mg a day 3 weeks ago and have gained 8 pds so far and started test Sustanon (sust) 300 last week,will be pining twice a week 600mg and going to end the last 4 weeks with winstrol 50mg ed,got nolva on hand and cloid for pct and mite add Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) in my pct
my ? is,is this a nice cycle,i am wanted to add bout 20 pd of lean and cut a lil,so i dont want to eat too much but how much will i need to eat to grow,i dont want to waste money by not eating right,i belive i eat right but when i read out here and other blogs, i need help with my diet.