dbol/test e cycle


New member
hi guys im 6' tall 170lbs and 20 years old i know that i will likely have some of you saying im too young but this is my choice so i would appreciate helpfull advice.

I am begining this cycle a few months from now i am going to work out for another 2-3 months naturally taking mutant mass shakes.

my cycle will consist of:

- weeks 1-10 500mg test e
- weeks 1-6 50mg dbol ed
- weeks 12-16 letro (also need to know a good dosage for letro i will be getting it in vials not pillform)
- weeks 12-16 clomid 50mg ed

I would consider myself an ectomorph its hard for me to put on weight and i have always had a 6pack no matter how much junk i eat :) but reguardless im going to do a clean bulk so the majority of my gains wont be water.
please feel free to critique me on my first injectable cycle(have done dbol only cycle 6 months ago and kept 10 out of 20 pounds)
I can already tell your cycle will be a fail. You dont need "mutant shakes," you need food and a grocery bag my friend.

And, to answer your questions. I would drop the letro. Run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) during your cycle and use clomid and nolva together during your post cycle therapy (pct). Look into Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) as well, it will make your transition into post cycle therapy (pct) smoother.
first off you don't need to be fucking with letro on your first cycle...buy some arimidex....letro can be pretty harsh on sides

second of all...you don't need to be running dbol at all on your first injectable cycle....and even if u run it anyway don't run it for 6 fucking weeks the first time you pin

also....just eat some damn food....that's the easiest way to gain weight....i don't wanna hear any of that ectomorph BS....the only way you can gain weight is to stuff your face...i guess those "mutant mass" shakes aren't helping you gain?....point being fix your diet before you even consider doing this
i should have been a bit more clear about my diet plan, i plan to be eating double what i gennerally do in the next few months before my cycle along with mutant mass shakes, and i will increase it even more whilst on cycle. thanks for the input guys hows this look? (also i dont need to worry about fat too much b/c of my extremely high metabolism, but no junk food or anything though)

1-10 test e 500mg ew
1-4 dbol 50mg ed
1-10 arimidex 0.25mg(if i begin to get very bloated)
12-16 nolva 40/40/20/20
12-16 clomid 50 mg ed

I will be eating between 4000-5000 cals daily along with 250-300g protein ed, and im not keeping track of carbs but ALOT of them.
and i will continue or even increase these eating habits into post cycle therapy (pct) and way after cycle
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if i start to get sensitive nips during cycle should i start taking a small dosage of nolva or should the arimidex handle that as well as the bloat? and do you guys think itd be a good idea on my part to buy another vial of test e and do a 15 week cycle of that by itself?
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I just started my cycle 9 days ago. I got a sensitive right nipple after 3 days, even by taking 12.5 mg's of aromasin. I just simply bumped my daily dosage of aromasin to 25mg's and it was gone. I guess some people like me are more susceptible to aromatization than others. I heard nolva can be taken to help sore nips as well. I would run clomid 100/100/50/50 and nolva 40/40/20/20 on PCT, but that's just me. Everybody seems to do that.

I also split my aromasin dosage twice in a day. I take it in the morning and then about 6-7 hours laters with a meal in high fat. That helps absorption. What lab are you getting your gear from?
You may now believe you are an ectomorph and you find it hard to gain weight but all that is excuses, over estimation of kcal consumption not training for long enough.

I used to be 147 lbs at 6 ft tall and I used to use the same excuse I'm an ectomorph and feel like I will never put on mass, well after 9 months of training reaching 204 lbs 23% bf then cutting to 185 lbs 10% bodyfat I can tell you nothing puts on mass as good as food, it's the most anabolic substance on earth.

Learn to eat well, I'm not saying train naturally forever just until you know your diet and routine is spot on then cycle, you'll yield better results and have better results this way.
You should run it for 12 weeks minimum to really get a good run for your money. if you've got 2 10 ml vials your going to lose .1ml everytime you pin so your going to need 3 just to reach 10 weeks. You are to young but nothing anybodys going to say is going to change your mind so you might aswell crack on.
I don't have a problem with the dbol... You seem to have at least thought about your diet, though I would watch your sodium intake. Dbol will have a bloating effect and sodium make that worse. Drink lots of water, and I mean a gallon a day at minimum!
If you aren't too worried about a "clean" bullk, then by all means eat like its your last meal ever and then a little more to be sure you're full LOL. You can start that right now because trust me it takes a few weeks to ramp up to 5000 calories. Then you should have absolutely no problem gaining 20-30 pounds on this cycle. In fact, at 5000 cal you should gain a few pounds natty! Worry about cutting a few months after you finish your PCT, or plan another bulk!
And yes, run the adex for bloat and signs of gyno. If it doesn't get better like Yolked said, up the dose.

Glad you're here asking questions instead of jumping in blindly. Yes you're young, but clearly determined to do this.... so I'm not going to argue a moot point there. Let us know how it goes!

i should have been a bit more clear about my diet plan, i plan to be eating double what i gennerally do in the next few months before my cycle along with mutant mass shakes, and i will increase it even more whilst on cycle. thanks for the input guys hows this look? (also i dont need to worry about fat too much b/c of my extremely high metabolism, but no junk food or anything though)

1-10 test e 500mg ew
1-4 dbol 50mg ed
1-10 arimidex 0.25mg(if i begin to get very bloated)
12-16 nolva 40/40/20/20
12-16 clomid 50 mg ed

I will be eating between 4000-5000 cals daily along with 250-300g protein ed, and im not keeping track of carbs but ALOT of them.
and i will continue or even increase these eating habits into pct and way after cycle
i should have been a bit more clear about my diet plan, i plan to be eating double what i gennerally do in the next few months before my cycle along with mutant mass shakes, and i will increase it even more whilst on cycle. thanks for the input guys hows this look? (also i dont need to worry about fat too much b/c of my extremely high metabolism, but no junk food or anything though)

1-10 test e 500mg ew
1-4 dbol 50mg ed
1-10 arimidex 0.25mg(if i begin to get very bloated)
12-16 nolva 40/40/20/20
12-16 clomid 50 mg ed

I will be eating between 4000-5000 cals daily along with 250-300g protein ed, and im not keeping track of carbs but ALOT of them.
and i will continue or even increase these eating habits into pct and way after cycle

Sorry didn't see this post, otherwise my answer would of being different.
Name all the types of food you will be consuming on this clean diet, and we'll make suggestions in needed. I want this cycle to work well for you bro and what are mutant mass shakes?
you mad bro: mutant mass shakes are weightgainer shakes with 60g protein and 1000 grams calories, and what i meant by ectomorph is basically i can gain muscle but its always been 100% lean muscle(ive had a ripped 6pack since i was like 5yrs old haha)
and mitchey i was thinking of picking up 3 vials of test e and dropping the dbol b/c alot of people say you should only do test e for your 1st cycle; and do a 15 week cycle, what do you guys think of that?

also when i start this cycle in a few months im going to make a progress log, i cant tell anyone else so itll be nice to tell at least a few people about it :)
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Those weight gainer shakes are a rip off, you'll be better off putting that money aside for extra food and purchasing some cheap but quality whey protein. Lucky you lol, drop the dbol and just run test e. I'd personally do it for 12 weeks, it's you're first cycle so you're guaranteed to make lots of gains providing you eat sleep and train well.
those shakes are such a good deal though, its 70bucks for a 15pound bag thatll last 3 months, plus if i dont have time for one more meal i can always slam one of those back; i wont be relying on them they are just a backup for the reason above ^
and mitchey i was thinking of picking up 3 vials of test e and dropping the dbol b/c alot of people say you should only do test e for your 1st cycle; and do a 15 week cycle, what do you guys think of that?

also when i start this cycle in a few months im going to make a progress log, i cant tell anyone else so itll be nice to tell at least a few people about it :)
Yer just get 3 vials and run it until you run out, probably about week 13 because you will only get 9ml out of a 10ml vial IF your lucky. Although I have seen some syringes which eliminate more than half the dead space, so you probs get just under 10ml out of it. I think they where called NEVERSHARE syringes.
Yer just get 3 vials and run it until you run out, probably about week 13 because you will only get 9ml out of a 10ml vial IF your lucky. Although I have seen some syringes which eliminate more than half the dead space, so you probs get just under 10ml out of it. I think they where called NEVERSHARE syringes.

could i purchase these 'nevershare syringes' from a pharmacy ?
Yer just get 3 vials and run it until you run out, probably about week 13 because you will only get 9ml out of a 10ml vial IF your lucky. Although I have seen some syringes which eliminate more than half the dead space, so you probs get just under 10ml out of it. I think they where called NEVERSHARE syringes.

Can't wait till I need more syringes multi-coloured syringes and needles looks so cool! :(
so far my cycle looks like this:

1-15 test e pin every mon and thursday(15w depending on how long 3 vials lasts me)
1-15 arimidex 0.25mg(if i begin to get very bloated)
17-21 nolva 40/40/20/20
17-21 clomid 50 mg ed

should i begin pct exactly 2 weeks after last pin?

ive also read that some people like to frontload their injectables the first week; do you guys think i should frontload 1000 mg the first week then go 500mg for the rest of the cycle?
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so far my cycle looks like this:

1-15 test e pin every mon and thursday(15w depending on how long 3 vials lasts me)
1-15 arimidex 0.25mg(if i begin to get very bloated)
17-19 nolva 40/40/20/20
17-19 clomid 50 mg ed

should i begin pct exactly 2 weeks after last pin?

ive also read that some people like to frontload their injectables the first week; do you guys think i should frontload 1000 mg the first week then go 500mg for the rest of the cycle?
NO!!! don't frontload. the armidex dosage is correct but should be EOD.

Also nolva and clomid dosage are good and both should be ran for a minimum of 4 weeks.

Yes 2 weeks after last pin is the internet way but 3 weeks is supposed to be better because the PCT products work better when all the test e is out your system. The choice is up to you.