Deadlift form for evaluation

I think you used too much low back and that looked more like a sumo sldl... Hopefully otheres with a better eye for detail on these things will chime in
form looks fine w/the exception of you pullng too far back at lockout. also relax your shoulders so they sag down as far as possible. this knocks several inches off the pull as does stopping at perpindicular.

hers a couple of clips, compare my lockout with yours.

one other thing to consider (this is for everyone) when you are setup just before you pull make sure your arms are hanging straight down. if they are angled back once the weight leaves the floor it will swing away from you causing you to lose leverage. if they are angled the other way then you are too deep in the hole. you wanna be in as high a starting position as possible while being in a strong starting position. this enables the legs to push off the floor to assist and for the hips and knees to lockout at the same time. forcing the hips forward is what completes a lift thats why a lot of pullers use the kettlebells as you saw sarah doing in the video. it teaches how to snap the hips forward. i have seen a lot of lifts missed at lockout because the bar is high enough to be locked out but the hips are left back and its very tough to push them forward if you wait til the last little bit as you have to push the weight off you to do this. this often leads to hitching, which will be red lighted at a meet.
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I can'twatch you tube from work but I'll watch it laster and I really apreciate all the help. I will be pulling tommorrow.
i added to my post jim.

overal your form is solid. just a little fine tuning and you good to go.

see if you can film your work set/s tomorrow.
I do kettlebell pull throughs. Sandy just didn't get them on film. Zane sadi hello and asked if you were still working as Will Farrels body double?
ok sorry for butting in but..when i go sumo, i just can't seem to lower my hips/butt any lower than I could and people kept saying that I should lower it more. do you think it has something to do with big plates??


and also, i'm seeing an ultra wide sumo stances, which totally cuts off the distance of the lift...maybe only pulling some inches compared to the normal sumo stance. does that matter??

so like....are their 2 kinds of sumo stances then?? the wide and the ultra wide?? thanks
AngryMuscles said:
ok sorry for butting in but..when i go sumo, i just can't seem to lower my hips/butt any lower than I could and people kept saying that I should lower it more. do you think it has something to do with big plates??


and also, i'm seeing an ultra wide sumo stances, which totally cuts off the distance of the lift...maybe only pulling some inches compared to the normal sumo stance. does that matter??

so like....are their 2 kinds of sumo stances then?? the wide and the ultra wide?? thanks
your set up is fine. the only flaw in your form is you locking your knees aout a bit too early. try to time it so your knees and hips lockout together. other than that it looks good.

as far as the other guy goes he'll never get those pulls passed in a meet. his knees are unlocking at lockout cause he' leaning back too far. plus that adds distanmceto the pull and isnt necessary.

play around w/your stance and see which way you more comfy. some lifters use an ultra wide stance. im prolly medium.
pullinbig said:
6 foot even.
is that a typo do you mean 6 foot seven?

sorry for a thread hijack rocco... PB - any specific assistance i could be doing for sumo pulls? i do GMs and front squats right now, my back squats are olympic style.
silver_shadow said:
is that a typo do you mean 6 foot seven?

sorry for a thread hijack rocco... PB - any specific assistance i could be doing for sumo pulls? i do GMs and front squats right now, my back squats are olympic style.

6 foot 0 inches.

box squats, reverse hypers, glute ham raise, 45° hypers, hyper extensions, zercher squats done bottom up style off pins in the power rack, sldl variations, sled dragging, ad/abuctor work, etc..... this should keep you busy for a while.

however nothing trains sumo deads better than pulling sumo deads as often as posiible.