deca and npp used in the same cycle


New member
Suppose I ran a test/deca cycle for 12 weeks

Test 500mg Wk
Deca 200mg Wk
Npp e3d 100mg

would this give the same results as deca 500mg week?
I know the difference of the short and long ester but I have never found any info on this question
Why do that instead of pinning 500 deca/week?? If you have cycled these compounds before and are looking to kickstart ur cycle with faster acting compounds then pin you test/deca at 500/week from day one and pin test prop/npp around 100 every other day from start for 4-5 weeks. No need to mix deca and npp to come up with your 500 number. Just my opinion. Also i think you should run the test around 14 weeks/ deca 13 weeks. I am finishing up my test/deca cycle but everyones different. My next cycle i will be foing something similar to that. Care sharing your stats?

...akin to pinning test c AND u only have x amount or are u pinaddictus ?
Yes I have 10 mil of npp ,but the question is would using 200mg decade Wk with 300mg of npp Wk have the same effects as 500mg of deca Wk. Yes I would much rather pin less who wouldn't. But I was thinking of using this npp to stretch the cycle out to 16wks
You don't have enough gear bud. Don't try to piece together a cycle with whatever you have. It just won't work well. Plan out a full cycle and everything you will need. Always get extras of everything in case something happens. 10cc's of npp will get you about 3 weeks pinning every other day. Not even enough for a kick start really...