deca/dbol or no??


New member
im reading alot of posts all over different boards and am getting confused. At first i was going to do a d-bol only cycle, then everyone said that was bad. So now im planning on a deca/d-bol stack. and i read that unless a test is added the deca is a waste? so how much better is it to run deca with d-bol than it is to do d-bol alone?? im looking at 25mg dbol ED wk 1-6 and deca 200mg a week wk1-8. im 5'8'' 160lbs. would it be better to keep that deca or save the money and just do only d-bol?
Apreciate the help...
Ok bro. I have said this to people more times than I can remeber, but I'll lay it on you too. There is no way that someone OTHER THAN YOU, can tell you what is or is NOT going to work for you. For some shmuck to say that "you won't get shit out of D-bol alone" is fucking L-U-D-I-C-R-O-U-S! Different hormones/cycles work different ways, for different people. You might grow like The Hulk on just Dbol alone bro, who knows?! Then you won't have to worry about having to spend an arm & a testical on your cycles either, because you are one of the lucky who can get by with low-dose, single hormone cycles. Know what I mean?! Don't be so quick to take peoples word for shit(other than mine I mean):D. Try it for yourself. At the end of the day, that is the only way you will find out anything about how different steroids will effect you anyhow. Not from what Joe Iknoweverythingaboutsteroidsandispendallmylifeprechingittoguysonline preaches to you.

In theory, Deca & Dbol will give you better effects than would Dbol alone bro. It is a good stack as well. Again though, to say that Dbol itself won't do shit w/o the Deca is so rediculous, that it makes you wonder about the reliability of the informations provider.
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Skedz is right.

People generally say dbol is not good alone because you "lose all your gains." Dbol is very androgenic and you will hold A LOT of water (however, as skedz pointed out, everyone is different, so you may not), so yes you will lose a lot of water weight, but not necessarily your gains in muscle. However, you would probably like deca as well and you can have a longer cycle and cut the dbol after 4 weeks or so to cut down on the liverstress. The choice is yours. Do your research and make a decision. I can almost gaurantee this won't be your only cycle, so you'll live and learn from experience.

Good luck!
Save both the D-bol & Deca for later !!

For a good first cycle do either Test Enanthate or Test Cypionate @ 400-500 mg/week for 8-10 weeks.
deca/dbol in one of the tried and true stacks. you have a strong anabolic (deca) stacked with a strong androgen (dbol). you can leave the test for your next cycle.
DocJ said:
deca/dbol in one of the tried and true stacks. you have a strong anabolic (deca) stacked with a strong androgen (dbol). you can leave the test for your next cycle.

Ever heard of deca dick ???? Test, not a good idea !!