Deca dick is a killing!!


New member
Hey Guys,
Well i have been suffering from deca dick fo almost a year now.
To tell you honestlly sometimes it seems that there is no problem, but sometimes just nothing.
I did Deca for 5 weeks (2 shots at a week) and started to feel the deca dick after the fourth week.
It really messed up my head andas i see many others also here on this forum..
Went to a doctor and conculted one from the side, but didn't get what the one form the side sugested to recover fast.
Well this all was in june last year.
For about 4-5 months it seems that it has been recovering good.
All my tests are ok.
My Test. is 15 and the progesterone is 1.4.
But still having issues.
No morning wood and sometimes when going to bed with my GF don't get wood, it needs some very very wildimagination to get it hard and i'm worrying that it won't.
Can anyone help what can bedone further more?
I read aboute "cialis" and that it helps but i don't know.
So please,any advise would be welcome.
Yeah but would it get it up in the future?
i'm only 26 though.
And i did Deca alone without Test.!! (What a fvcken mistake!!!)
Your test is (15)? At your age you should be at lease 200-300.... If you can get your doc to put you on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) at about 200mg every 10-14 days, you'll be back to good ole self. Then stretch it out to 3 weeks an so on, as you fill better. Clomid may help out too.
As stupid as it may be....keep a vial of Sustanon (sust) 250 around and keep a needle loaded with .25 ml to .5 ml and shoot up about 4-5 hrs before your gf comes over.
Sure seems to help me while im on a cycle.