I have been cycling for about 5 years usually a test 400mg/deca 300mg cycle for 12 weeks and dianabol 40mg per day as a kick start with armidex & clomide for post therapy.
I would like some general advice prior to researching an alternative cycle as I am late 40***8217;s and suffer from deca dick. My sex drive is very increased while on cycle but within the first weeks keeping wood even with Viagra is an issue. I also notice most of my gains come within the first 4 weeks when taking the dianabol and then I reach a plato that the deca does not help to exceed.
If I use a test 400mg and dianabol 40-60mg per day but for a short time, say 6 weeks per cycle will this combination reduce ED and allow me to keep my gains?
I also have read that novaldex can add to ED, is this also true for clomid and armidex?
I realize that I have given not proper statistics here as I am only looking to be pointed in the right direction prior to proper research at this point.
Thanks for any advice
I would like some general advice prior to researching an alternative cycle as I am late 40***8217;s and suffer from deca dick. My sex drive is very increased while on cycle but within the first weeks keeping wood even with Viagra is an issue. I also notice most of my gains come within the first 4 weeks when taking the dianabol and then I reach a plato that the deca does not help to exceed.
If I use a test 400mg and dianabol 40-60mg per day but for a short time, say 6 weeks per cycle will this combination reduce ED and allow me to keep my gains?
I also have read that novaldex can add to ED, is this also true for clomid and armidex?
I realize that I have given not proper statistics here as I am only looking to be pointed in the right direction prior to proper research at this point.
Thanks for any advice
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