Deca dick issues and alt. cycles


New member
I have been cycling for about 5 years usually a test 400mg/deca 300mg cycle for 12 weeks and dianabol 40mg per day as a kick start with armidex & clomide for post therapy.

I would like some general advice prior to researching an alternative cycle as I am late 40***8217;s and suffer from deca dick. My sex drive is very increased while on cycle but within the first weeks keeping wood even with Viagra is an issue. I also notice most of my gains come within the first 4 weeks when taking the dianabol and then I reach a plato that the deca does not help to exceed.

If I use a test 400mg and dianabol 40-60mg per day but for a short time, say 6 weeks per cycle will this combination reduce ED and allow me to keep my gains?
I also have read that novaldex can add to ED, is this also true for clomid and armidex?

I realize that I have given not proper statistics here as I am only looking to be pointed in the right direction prior to proper research at this point.

Thanks for any advice
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dID YOU PROPERLY PCT ? I mean over the years. Deca s a 19 nor and will , can, may pound your sex drive.
Of course the gain s top off at 3-4 weeks with dbol....that s called pre loading water logged strong man Michelin man face...except for my joint s deca and I are done. U may need to shelve it to. W o bloods I m shooting into a crowd with an AK.

When was ur last real break ?For how long ? How are your testicles ? U do hcg and if not y the fuck not ?

I d go to a 1-200 trt dose,for 4-8 weeks, get over being the big guy at dollar general and get some them so mega can decipher them.

I have never, ever not got wood on ed meds. This is an issue..treat properly

Not busting your balls, if you have any left, but dude....your bloods probably so thick it wont go into your dick. Deca build s up causes all kind of scarey words that mean you need an oil change fast.
I am only 6 weeks into cycle and suffering ED, not started PCT yet. I have not cycled in over a year and did blod test with help of a doctor so know that I am recovered since last time. I just find deca is to much of a repressive for me, about 4 0r 5 weeks after first deca injection ED starts to kick in.

Your comment on blood being thick, is that a genuine cause or only a term? The blood test did show enlarged red blood cells but was this would affect oxygen circulation but no other issues.
HELL YES. I m not real smaret with large words but 19 nors cause some people s blood to actually get thick...hemocrits, increased rbc over time is very, very much depends on you. Try going and giving blood. That s the easiest, quickest fix as when the blood taken is out...the rest has to stretch to fill the gap until NEW blood is made.

Put the deca down dude. YOUR NO SPRINJG CHICKEN. i DO 150 A WEEK EVERY NOW AND AGAIN WHEN MY KNEE S JUST WON T QUIT ACHING...dbol is hard on ur liver. I d stop until I got my bloods and dick normal again but then I m a may rather be big than functioning
Your PCT list adex and clomid. Adex is a AI not a serm . Proper PCT would have clomid and nolva.

You need to manage your hematocrit while using AAS
Will cause your blood to thicken and possible stroke, heart attack. In all your years of cycling you havn't dine this? Donating blood or platelets is a necessary evil to stay healthy
I have been cycling for about 5 years usually a test 400mg/deca 300mg cycle for 12 weeks and dianabol 40mg per day as a kick start with armidex & clomide for post therapy.

I would like some general advice prior to researching an alternative cycle as I am late 40***8217;s and suffer from deca dick. My sex drive is very increased while on cycle but within the first weeks keeping wood even with Viagra is an issue. I also notice most of my gains come within the first 4 weeks when taking the dianabol and then I reach a plato that the deca does not help to exceed.

If I use a test 400mg and dianabol 40-60mg per day but for a short time, say 6 weeks per cycle will this combination reduce ED and allow me to keep my gains?
I also have read that novaldex can add to ED, is this also true for clomid and armidex?

I realize that I have given not proper statistics here as I am only looking to be pointed in the right direction prior to proper research at this point.

Thanks for any advice

well i would use the AI during the whole cycle NOT in PCT. also maybe consider trying a PCT combo of 35-50mg clomi and 20mg tamox (nolve) ed for 4-5 weeks.
ALSO I HIGHLY rec having prami on hand when using Deca, NPP or trens. RUI had it here ( banner above)
the combo of using an AI during cycle and Prami if needed should keep any "deca dick" issues away. I also personally HIGHLY rec CIA (cialise) on hand, its great stuff , specially for right now, it will help as your fixing the root issue.
AND I HIGHLY REC YOU LOOK AT THE iPT-141 THERE! it will help libido. a cia and iPT combo would be very synergistic.
I also rec reading all the aas (steroid) stickies in aas section (the threads that stay stuck at the top)

and... WELCOME!

feel free to pm me if you think I can help you :)
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Your PCT list adex and clomid. Adex is a AI not a serm . Proper PCT would have clomid and nolva.

You need to manage your hematocrit while using AAS
Will cause your blood to thicken and possible stroke, heart attack. In all your years of cycling you havn't dine this? Donating blood or platelets is a necessary evil to stay healthy
Im on hrt and cycle/blast and i know there s not medical data on it that I have found with my life style and aas... but I do not eat meat or fish (low iron etc. diet) has had me with healthy RBC for many years and not taken out a drop of blood except for blood tests and when i go hit in head with a rock (ouch!)
but i do think people should do blood work and keep up on it and do what they need to keep blood good, but hey some might not need it.
ps, now i only use mostly test and anavar and from time to time ill use Deca and/or maste n dbol.
One of two reasons IMO. Your test dose isnt high enough compared to your Deca dose or your not managing your estrogen properly (using AI from start of cycle) and in turn your prolactin is rising causing these ED issues, or both.

You also mention you notice great gains with dbol and then once thats done you dont notice the Deca furthering along your gains. Deca takes a LONG time to kick in, about week 10 is when I notice it start to work, so keep that in mind. I notice a bit of a lull before the storm between the two as well.

As far as raised hematocrit (precentage of your blood that is red blood cells) levels. If you cycle on and off i wouldnt worry about that. Once exogenous hormone use is discontined Hct should return to normal.

Where guys can possibly run into issues is if they are in TRT or never come of large cycles. Their bone marrow keeps producing cells and that can lead to a dangerously high Hct levels. High Hct level can lead to blood clots, not something you want. Having said that some guys dont have that issue, but some guys do. I know guys who can blast away and keep pretty normal Hct levels. The only way to lower this is to donate blood. Also AAS use isnt the only thing that inceases it either. Smoking can, a diet rich in iron can, living at high altitudes also can.

I realise you didnt ask about that but theres a bit of info for you anyways!