Deca-Durabol + sustanon 250.


New member
Hi was thinking about this and just want some feedback
on my choice of mg and the Nolva.

Thx .

Week 1-12. 100mg deca E3d + 250 mg test E3d.
Week 1-13. Nolva? And how much
Week 12-13. 250mg Test + Nolva (how much)

Week 15. HCG 2500ui E5D
And maby more Nolva?

Or this one:

Week 1-12deca 150mg EW
Week 1-13test 500mg EW

13-17 2500iu E5D x4 (hCG) ( efter sidste skud test e)
15-16 Nolva 40 mg
17-18 nolva 20 mg
you have no clue wht you are doing buddy, i strongly advise you too look into a 12 wk test cycle and understand how to run and recover from that leave the deca alone for now
wow im speechless seems like a 14 year old is writing this, with no knowledge what so ever lol.

Well m8, i suck at english. Cant rly explain my self...
So F*** you 2 m8..

deca/sust is not that bad, the deca is out after 3 days
the test atleast 2 weeks after last shot.
all i wanted to know was the nolvadex quiestion.
i know that it is a ratio of 1:2 with the deca/sust
atleast. but dont be a racist dude.. relax
you have no clue wht you are doing buddy, i strongly advise you too look into a 12 wk test cycle and understand how to run and recover from that leave the deca alone for now

Then telle me what you think is wrong, woud be kind of you.
Then telle me what you think is wrong, woud be kind of you.

No 1's lauphing at your grammar buddy its your cycle plan that is bad
where to start ?
you have no testicular protection on cycle, look into HCG for your balls and on cycle usage, you could blast at the end but you dont run HCG in post cycle therapy (pct) you run it up too post cycle therapy (pct), do not use inside your post cycle therapy (pct) period. look into proper dosages aswell.
Nolva combined with deca is a disaster buddy look into this please.
Your post cycle therapy (pct) looks terrible
you have no Aromatase inhibitor (AI) to control eastrogen on cycle
you have nothing to deeal with prolactin look into Caber or Prami.
for a 1st cycle which im assuming this is, you have no need for deca just stick to test for 12 wks and then complicate things later and once you understand and have experiance.
were' just looking out for you, as your heading for problems with this cycle plan mate :roll:
No 1's lauphing at your grammar buddy its your cycle plan that is bad
where to start ?
you have no testicular protection on cycle, look into HCG for your balls and on cycle usage, you could blast at the end but you dont run HCG in post cycle therapy (pct) you run it up too post cycle therapy (pct), do not use inside your post cycle therapy (pct) period. look into proper dosages aswell.
Nolva combined with deca is a disaster buddy look into this please.
Your post cycle therapy (pct) looks terrible
you have no Aromatase inhibitor (AI) to control eastrogen on cycle
you have nothing to deeal with prolactin look into Caber or Prami.
for a 1st cycle which im assuming this is, you have no need for deca just stick to test for 12 wks and then complicate things later and once you understand and have experiance.
were' just looking out for you, as your heading for problems with this cycle plan mate :roll:

Ty very much for your reply, i never liked Deca, so i will try this if its not wrong.
only thing i dont have is the adex, how important is is in here?

Thx .

1-11. 1mg adex eod
1-10. 500mg Sustanon (sust) ew

post cycle therapy (pct):
10-13. 2000 iu e4d x 5
12-16. 40, 40, 20, 20 nolva ed
i will layout a cycle for you with all thats needed but can i ask your age, stats, lifting history, size plz
i will layout a cycle for you with all thats needed but can i ask your age, stats, lifting history, size plz

That sounds like a rly nice gesture :)
Im 30, lifted for 2 year only 1 serious, but thats 5 years ago.
since that it has been on and off until now.
187cm high. a bit 2 much meat on the body :doh:
but a big boy aprox 115Kg.
And have some Aromasin to run with it.
And what do you think about
Sustanon stacked with Tren E, have some of that 2.
And what you say i need i will get.

Thx m8.
Last edited:
i have read and read about tren and was wondering if the sides is worse
then spending 14 days on coke sleeping maximum 2 hours a day?
or worse then spending like 5-7 days awake on amfetamine straight
whit your heart pumbing so bad you think you will die?

just wondering.
I would seriously consider NOT doing any steroids until you get your DIET and TRAINING in order. You stated that you have been "on and off" for a while, and prior, you've only had about 2 years experience in weight training in general. You're overweight by a lot i'm assuming. What's your bf% Save your money, balls, and health and get your weight down and your training consistant. Steroids is NOT a miracle drug. You can achieve massive improvement by just goin to the gym regularly, busting your ass off and eating properly.

Please reconsider.
no tren or deca, just a 12 week test cycle will be fine you gotta get your body fat down alot try to get it near 15-18% or your risk of sides will be bad, you need to get back in the gym and build up a core and foundation, and get your self in shape before starting the cycle.
If you learn how to eat and train naturally, get yourself in shape and make gains continually, you will then be able to keep the chemical gains once your cycle finishes.
okay m8, i will see how reasonable i can get :)
But if my bf must be 15-18% then my weight shoud be 65kg
then my bf will be 18,57%, and that will never happen.
I used to weigh 87,5 and i was very skinny, i coud not imagine my self at 65kg
like never. :)

Kind regards..
If you are going to run something like this deca should at least be 300wk and do the sust only at 100wk this will keep your cologen levels high and help with joints. but really man do some research and get your diet to be a habit before you ever start. 12wks of test only is your best bet for now.
No 1's lauphing at your grammar buddy its your cycle plan that is bad
where to start ?
you have no testicular protection on cycle, look into Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for your balls and on cycle usage, you could blast at the end but you dont run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) in pct you run it up too pct, do not use inside your pct period. look into proper dosages aswell.
Nolva combined with deca is a disaster buddy look into this please.
Your pct looks terrible
you have no Aromatase inhibitor (AI) to control eastrogen on cycle
you have nothing to deeal with prolactin look into Caber or Prami.
for a 1st cycle which im assuming this is, you have no need for deca just stick to test for 12 wks and then complicate things later and once you understand and have experiance.
were' just looking out for you, as your heading for problems with this cycle plan mate :roll:

Do you feel it necessary to have caber on hand at only 200mg per week of deca? His test ratio is well above ! Just curious
OMg is this your first cycle if so here you go man

Week 1-12:Test E or C at 500mg/week
Week 1-13: Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 250ius/week
Week 1-18 your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) ed or rod

PCT Week 14-18
Clomid 100/100/50/50
Nolva 40/40/20/20

If your running deca then run deca for atleast 12 weeks and run test two weeks longer, and yes do have caber or prami on hand