deca one shot?

Sure, you could take it in one shot. But I'll tell you right now, your cycle looks like shit, and I don't normally say that to anybody.

Your dbol is fine. But 200mg/week of deca and for only 6 weeks? That's about enough to shut you down and not much else. If you are planning on deca, plan on 400mg/week and for 10 weeks. It has a very long ester and you will need to run it longer to see better results.

However, you might want to look around this site for other examples of cycles and the reasonings behind them. In fact there is a post somewhere around here with beginner, advanced, bulking, and cutting cycles listed. Check out that one for some tips.
i know its not a great cycle, i should be doing the deca for at least 8 weeks. i was originally going to do a d-bol only cycle.
but as for the 200mg, i talked to alot of people and went on alot of forums, and that should be good for me. Im only 160lbs right now, about 17% body fat, maybe 1 or 2 % less. about 5'8'' tall.
any of that make a difference or do you still think to push it up to 400mg??
newbie99 said:
i know its not a great cycle, i should be doing the deca for at least 8 weeks. i was originally going to do a d-bol only cycle.
but as for the 200mg, i talked to alot of people and went on alot of forums, and that should be good for me. Im only 160lbs right now, about 17% body fat, maybe 1 or 2 % less. about 5'8'' tall.
any of that make a difference or do you still think to push it up to 400mg??
bro listen, 6 weeks is simply not long enough. it takes atleast 2-3 weeks for the deca to kick in. instead of rushing into this, save up and get your self a nice cycle together.
tx is on the money, the bare minimum i would go is 300mg a week, but i would rather you use 400. Not any more sides and the results should be better.
from my research deca is decent but it looks like you need to put on some more size. i would say go test enanthate for 10 weeks along with 25-30 mg dbol , clomid at the end.. Good luck with your training
you dont sound like youve researched far enough.. im talking from experience you cant come into this blind. i came in squinting, i wish i would have sat back and read some shit, talked to a few peeps then sat down with my source and ordered then started after a long time of studying.

but thats just me.