Deca side effect from cycle.


New member
After Pct/ side effect of deca.. Help

Alright guys, little problem here.

I am 19 years old
213 lbs
12-16% bf

This is the cycle I ran.

10 week cycle

PCT: clomid at 50/50/50/50
Nolva at 40/20/20/20

I ran test sust at 500mg per week and deca at 500 mg a week. On cycle I fucked all the time. Then I started my pct. throughout my pct I was still getting hard ons every single day and then on my last week of pct I started not getting boners as much. Now, a couple days off of my pct, I can get boners in the morning and randomly at night. I still have a sex drive. Literally all I want to do is have sex. My balls are almost back to full size, but I can't keep a hard on for more than a couple minutes now.

Should I re run my pct with clomid at 100/50/50/50 and nolva at 40/40/20/20
Your supposed to run test 2-3 weeks longer then deca so that the deca isn't elevated while starting pct. Sust has long esters in it so pct would probably start 3-4 weeks after last pin. More like almost 4 weeks. So since you probably didn't know that and you didn't run your cycle the best way you probably need to do another pct. Being 19 years old is foolish to be running a cycle anyways. You should be getting gains like crazy!
I forgot to add that I ran sust, 2 weeks after my last pin of deca. If I could go back and not do the cycle I wouldn't. I got greedy with the gains. I realized this during my cycle but it was too late to just stop. I definitely won't be doing another cycle for a while. Maybe 30 if I can get my life back together
Alright guys, little problem here.

I am 19 years old
213 lbs
12-16% bf

This is the cycle I ran.

10 week cycle

PCT: clomid at 50/50/50/50
Nolva at 40/20/20/20

I ran test sust at 500mg per week and deca at 400 mg a week. At the end of the cycle I ran sust 2 weeks after last injection of deca.

On cycle I fucked all the time. Then I started my pct. throughout my pct I was still getting hard ons every single day and then on my last week of pct I started not getting boners as much. Now, a couple days off of my pct, I can get boners in the morning and randomly at night. I still have a sex drive. Literally all I want to do is have sex. My balls are almost back to full size, but I can't keep a hard on for more than a couple minutes now.

Should I re run my pct with clomid at 100/50/50/50 and nolva at 40/40/20/20
Nolva only after finishing last Pct

I just finished my last pct last week but I didn't recover all the way. So would do you guys think it would be acceptable to run Nolva at 40/40/20/20 or should I just run a natural test booster
Alright guys, little problem here.

I am 19 years old
213 lbs
12-16% bf

This is the cycle I ran.

10 week cycle

PCT: clomid at 50/50/50/50
Nolva at 40/20/20/20

I ran test sust at 500mg per week and deca at 500 mg a week. On cycle I fucked all the time. Then I started my pct. throughout my pct I was still getting hard ons every single day and then on my last week of pct I started not getting boners as much. Now, a couple days off of my pct, I can get boners in the morning and randomly at night. I still have a sex drive. Literally all I want to do is have sex. My balls are almost back to full size, but I can't keep a hard on for more than a couple minutes now.

Should I re run my pct with clomid at 100/50/50/50 and nolva at 40/40/20/20

You may need too. 500mg ew deca takes time to clear. Off the top of my head 5 weeks maybe 6. Use the steroid calculator. Put in the numbers and see when levels drop near zero.
at 19 you probably already had off the charts high testosterone levels naturally. You just permanently ruined that. what did you expect was gonna happen? You shut down your HPTA at your peak and right in the prime of its development
Just did it. If you took your last injection week 10, pct would start week 15-16 assuming an 11 day half. Thats the hard part I have read anywhere from 6-15 days for decanoate.
Nolva only after finishing last Pct

I just finished my last pct last week but I didn't recover all the way. So would do you guys think it would be acceptable to run Nolva at 40/40/20/20 or should I just run a natural test booster

There are no natural test boosters that work.

Try running nolva and clomid.

What are your blood work results? I am assume that is how you are concluding that you didn't recover fully.
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I merged your three threads. No need to start multiple threads asking the same question.
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My last pin of deca was week 8. But I ran the sust 2 weeks longer than the deca. Then started my pct week 11.
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Definitely run PCT again. Clomid and Nolva together. Start now.

Next time, run hCG during your cycle too. And do a lot more homework next time.
There you go buddy. Bro you have to wait. You may as well run some test, short ester if your enjoy sex.

What has happened is that you are still shut down with no natural test, but you still have nandrolone which isn't anabolic enough to get you those bonners.

You royally fucked up your first cycle.
What has happened is that you are still shut down with no natural test, but you still have nandrolone which isn't anabolic enough to get you those bonners

deca is more anabolic then Test, its just not as androgenic. The 'anabolic' nature or ratio of a compound wouldn't effect 'boners' being the boner is not a muscle.
My mistake. You ran a four week pct so take that into account. Run you pct over at the end of week 16. The serms will raise your natural production and elevate your problem.

Don't use anymore test.
deca is more anabolic then Test, its just not as androgenic. The 'anabolic' nature or ratio of a compound wouldn't effect 'boners' being the boner is not a muscle.

I meant to say androgenic, but our new friend will not soon forget this. :)
Alright, so do you guys honestly think if I run another pct week at the end of week16/beginning of week17, I might be able to recover ?